Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Vampiress is back!

And so is cable TV! It's so great because now I have something to do late at night~ Uhuh, like right now! Truly, I'm beyond glad that I'm no longer so desperate for entertainment that I'm resorting to useless gossiping and eavesdropping to fulfill the good 'ole fun meter (Sims reference). Although, it does bring up the question "Why do I even need TV when I can venture out into the dangerous, exciting night?" It's so tempting, I look out my window and see the trees and the downtown lights. How can I sit around in here instead of lurking out there? 'Cause that's all I would do since clubs and bars make me wanna die.. I'd lurk in the darkness and wait for my Vampire counterpart to show up and then... we'd hiss at people passing by, compare the sharpness of our teeth and fingernails, possibly go for some ice cream, and then go home and pretend it never happened... Until the next night during which we'd repeat the same cycle.

Even more tempting is that just a block over are the huge Victorian houses. Quite a few of them resemble castles! I wanna go and see them, right now! Should I risk it? Should I?! I might get stabbed before I even get a glimpse of the moon and that would be super disappointing. *sigh* For tonight I'll stay in but I dunno how long I can control it...

Speaking of uncontrollable urges, tomorrow I'm giving in and watching Twilight for the first time. I've purposely avoided it as of yet because I was annoyed by everyone thinking the reason I look gothic/vampiresque occasionally is due to myself being a huge Twilight fangirl, which is totally NOT true! I've been pasty and scary lookin' way before those movies ever came out!! I'm looking forward to watching it so I can see if it's really as awesome as I heard it is! ^-^

And I'll try to have some new photos up soon, however it might not happened until I get back from L.A. I'll try to get something interesting up before I go if I can!


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