Well, due to my not finding what I was looking for last weekend, my holiday shopping will commence again this Friday. And I won't be making the same mistake I made last week~~ wearing the wrong shoes and walking around in them for 8 hours. I've been practically paralyzed ever since ;.;
The highlight of the trip was of course shopping the designer shops and department stores in the mall (the good mall that's like an hour's drive from here)! Also getting coffee while out was awesome too because I haven't been able to do that in months. We tried this new place at Nordstrom's which was pretty decent~
Yeah, I use a straw to drink my hot coffee... so wut... XD
I can't wait till Friday to go back though! I'mma be extra strict with my diet so I can get coffee again! ^-^
Spiders spiders everywhere.
So our weather these past two months is driving me crazy. Practically everyday it's one extreme or another:
News: Oh wow! We are starting Fall early this year with these record breaking cool temperatures!
(next day)
News: Zomg, looks like we are gonna be breaking more records today with the HOTTEST TEMPERATURES OF THE YEAR and in Fall no less!
(next day)
News: You're gonna need a jacket for today! BurRRr!
(next day)
News: It may be Fall, but it feels like Summer all this week!
JFC, I just want it to get cold and stay that way. My biggest problem with the heat waves?! Spiders! Everytime a hot, steamy day appears out of nowhere I find spiders running around EVERYWHERE! I haven't even been able to get a decent night's sleep lately because of their scampering around on my bed, and the walls, and the ceiling, and the tables, and my keyboard right now as I type this!
It makes me tempted to smash 'em but I don't like killing them since they're just hanging out, probably not meaning any harm right? However, I have resorted to using my antique backscratcher to fling them off the wall/surfaces next to me when they get too close. Rude I know, but they need to stay out of my spider-free comfortzone over here~
Anyway, today is the start of my October picture spamming (^photo at top of post). I decided since I ended up with hundreds of photos from that project I started a while back, I'd just select a few to put in several posts from now until Halloween. I consequently decided to drop the story that went with the photos because it was probably just too ~out there~ anyhow. I'll try to save the creepiest ones for last... o.o
Have u ever stop 2 wonder why spiders always want 2 b around u??!! It's like ongoing issue u complain about all the time ya!!! XD
Btw, I voted 4 u.. Why is it still the same photo ah??! O_o
yarRr, I've been so consumed organizing my fall/winter wardrobe that I totally forgot about that! I have no idea why it's the same photo, that sucks... I can't imagine how it even made it to the second round. Thanks though!
Oh and no, I don't think about spiders anymore than I have to... >.>
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