Saturday, May 26, 2012

I feel disconnected!

And I hate it!  Hpmh!!

I've moved again and we've decided to put off getting internet/tv until I get paid again since all these unexpected and ridiculous expenses keep popping up!  Moving every year is the lamest (yeah I know I say that every year too -.- )... srsly... So I'm stuck like this for another 2 weeks at least.  And I have stuff to post but I forgot the thing-a-majig that connects my camera to upload them.

Not that I really want to be blogging here at my brother's place.  He's sharing a house with a bunch of college students while his wife and son are in the Philippines for the summer.  Anyway, I can't do anything around here without people looking over my shoulder and being all "What this, what's that?" or just staring and saying nothing in general.  It seems so hectic here though!  And I'm about to leave, I just wanted to express my regret for disappearing from the interwebz forever and for the millionth time this year! T.T

I'm not exactly happy to be headed home now by the way, there's no one to talk to there and I'm going insane for real this time.  I talked to myself in the mirror yesterday!.. Then I danced!  Then I cried... and danced some more!  I should probably get fitted for a straight jacket! D:

Still freaking out~

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