Tada~ My giant doofus head on a billboard... awesome! >.<



^ people actually tell me I look like her... and I'm thinking "oh really?" o_0

Sephora ooooOoo~~...

Kittens ♥ ...

Ok I don't like this pic... It's old! But since I already wasted my time resizing it.. I decided to post it -_-;;

I'm sooo pasty right? LoL...

A male *friend* of mine....

I'll tell you more about him later yeah??...

Oooo, when I saw this one I immediately was thinking Jolin would look good on this.... haha ^^
So guess what?? >.<;; I received my photoshop in the mail yesterday! So I've been trying to learn everything about it over the last 24 hours~ And so far I've edited 2 pics that turned out kinda ok.. Don't get me wrong though! They suck! But I think they are decent since I only have 1 day's experience :b I'll start with the one I like the best:

^ Cute right? Eh? Don't you want to hug me? Or punch me? O_O Doesn't matter~ I think for my lack of experience, this is pretty good ^^;;
.... Ok, next is the one I don't like so much... my lips look chapped and yes.. I was standing next to a toilet -_-;;

The problem here was that I tried to use a really advanced skin smoothing tutorial that was meant for really high resolution pictures on a not so high resolution pic.... and also my airbrushing turned out all splotchy. You see, I couldn't install the PS on my desktop pc as I would've liked because the cd drive died or something. So I'm using my laptop.. and pictures always look kinda off on it. So I didn't notice the messed up parts until I transfered the pics to my desktop... I know, boring right? LoL I'll get better with time... or not... who knows damnit :/
On a more random note... I'm so sick of the economy! Who isn't sick of this crap?! Super rich people that'll always be wealthy no matter what happens? Well they suck! You hear that Jun? YOU SUCK! D:<
Enjoy your seasonal breaks everyone (but not you J**, please die)! n_n/