Friday, December 24, 2010

Photo ambushing... (+ boring selcas)

So you all probably have these types among your family and/or friends... You know, the people that spot you sitting there minding your own business and then *snap, snap, snap* they're taking your photo. Well it happens to me too. Yesterday while I was lusting over something called Frontier Pecan Cake in my mom's 1968 Imperial Sugar 125th Anniversary Cookbook:


Photos taken by my mom. The How Dare You face was just me being silly of course. Though it would have been nice if I would've been wearing something other than pajamas when she decided to ambush... But that matters not, what's important is that this cake I want to make contains 2 cups of butter, over a pound of brown sugar, and 4 cups of pecans when completed! Can you imagine?! I wonder if eating the entire thing would mean facing instant death as a consequence! D:

Afterwards, when I finished with the cookbook, I took some selca-type photos of myself to continue with my documenting how weight loss is affecting my face. Particularly the jawline: the thing that is mentioned to me the most. It's disturbing... that maybe I've been wrong thinking weight loss wouldn't make such a difference. Maybe I've been all wrong about someone I know that also has a disappearing jawline. But I'll never fully admit to that~


I was happy because I just ate some pumpkin pie... but I forgot to reapply my lipstick so it's a mess.


And these next few are from last month after Thanksgiving~ These photos look odd because of the wig, the puffy eyes (which I almost never have), and the overall awkwardness of my expression. I don't know what happened... must have been breaking the diet and eating salty, fattening, sugary things after being so strict for so long XD






I should write a book and call it the Jawline Chronicles or something. It's been a long road. Actually I thought it was only temporary after seeing the Halloween pics at first glance. I mean my jawline (and the rest of my face) seemed so alien and jagged. Then it hit me, it was the damned shimmer powder I put all over my face! It makes light reflect everything differently... but I guess for my costume it worked, the whole not looking entirely human thing. Next time I might be more conservative with applying it on certain areas.

Alright, honestly I didn't just show up to talk about bones and stuff. I felt I needed to cleanse this place of my old photos by posting new ones. Also, I feel that the last post was kind of a failure. Mainly because my inbox was littered with responses like "huh, well..." or "you starved yourself, didn't sleep for days, and made our lives miserable for 2 photos that sort of don't make sense?!"

Haha, I'm sorry but the fury burning inside me, the one driving me to make an offensive, ornately detailed storyline just kind of died with all the changes taking place over time. I should've got it all done in the first week. At least it's slightly more interesting than these self-cam photos right?! I'm looking forward to going back to school, I think the fact that I do nothing but work right now is really screwing over my creativity -.-

Well, I should be going, I have fattening treats I'm never suppose to have that I need to be eating!

Happy Holidays!

(cr: LupsandTnks)


Friday, December 17, 2010

Later that evening... part 3

see parts one and two here: part one ~ part two

Part 3:



Maybe witchcraft wasn't to blame either... but how could an innocent tea party turn so wrong?!

3 Days earlier...


Looks pleasant enough!


but as soon as the tea pours...


































Not again!


to be continued~

*note: this is the end of the old pictures, the future posts will finally consist of recent (less fat), and more creative ones :3

Thursday, December 16, 2010



(cr: sonyushinki)

Many, many, many years ago~ a friend of mine demanded I watch this new show she was in love with. It was called Super junior Full House or something along those lines. I found it to be interesting and entertaining enough... and I enjoyed it. Anyway, after it ran it's course I was left with a nagging need to try 2 edible treats featured on the show~ one of them being Chocopie.

At first I thought it was just like any other moon pie type snack, but several online reviews of the product begged to differ... And I had to try it! So I launched an online search, finding few places to purchase: they were either sold out or too expensive (like $30 with shipping). It was a lost cause...

One day (last week) I was shopping in my local super market when I spotted something surprising. After erupting a few squeals, leaping through the air, and embarrassing everyone I was with, I threw a box of Chocopies in the shopping cart. I finished the entire box 2 days later. They were pretty great. The end.

Now I just need to check the other item off my list: kimbap. There's got to be somewhere around here that sells it but I don't know where and I might be too lazy to look. Maybe I'll save it for the next trip to LA -.-

Updates on life:

My problem is that recently I'm not doing anything and for some reason I only get stuff done when I'm too bust to be doing it. Makes no sense right? Everything feels like slow motion right now, I'm totally just wasting my life. Blah, what a boring emo statement.

So although I'm doing pretty well with work, I'm bored, and I'm going to take some steps to make things better. Just until our lease is up in a few months and we can move. I'm going back to school to take some art and music courses! ~Da da da dun!~ Exciting isn't it?... And exciting for all the wrong reasons! I know ya'll miss the awkward school recounts, such as the time I fell down the stairs while holding a cup of coffee in '07 which became my most well received post of all time. My embarrassment at school = super fun entertainment for you guys. Until next time~~~ ♥


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sick days~ a time for discovery!

So I learned 3 new, MASSIVELY non-important facts while I was sick.

1. You may remember me mentioning somebody 'round these parts that looks like a certain celebrity. Well one morning while watching the news I was surprised to find out that he's a local news reporter. I don't usually catch the morning news but my sleeping schedule always gets messed up when I'm sick. So I've been tuning in throughout the month to see if I could find any clues as to why he seems so ~strange~ a person. There's none. However, one morning they did send him up a mountain at 4 a.m. to report that it was snowing (duh). At first he was just extremely uncomfortable and freezing. Later on he was frolicking through the snow and having a super fun time. It was kind of adorable... but he still seems odd to me... oddly adorable! ^-^

2. Elvira's back with Movie Macabre! Yay!

I caught it one night during my workout which lasted four miserable hours (I kept taking breaks). Why was I working out while sick you ask? No way in hell am I going to let myself put weight back on just because of a stupid cold! I think I got better faster as a result too! :b

3. Alright, this one is actually important (to me that is)! Less than an hour's drive from here is a historic HAUNTED HOTEL!!!!1!!! And guess what?! I decided right away that I'm going to it! I'm aiming for next year around Valentine's Day!


Well I tried to get some photos taken to post. The rarest kind ever, ones with me and OTHER PEOPLE in them. Alas, it was my responsibility to take them and I didn't do it because I couldn't be bothered to. I got a couple but it's nothing great and I'll just save them to use with whatever I post around Xmas. Also, I'll get back to my silly little photo project that was supposed to be finished by Halloween and continue on with that... It may become ongoing... Like once a month... But I already missed November... darn... it :(

Idiotic like a soap opera character

Last topic, possibly the least. I've been pretty damn happy with my level of maturity and problem solving lately. Everything's been so great, going so smoothly! I was thinking my days of over the top theatrics were over... that is... until two nights ago. To make a long story short lets just say I was preparing paperwork for something and it went badly... very badly. When the task concluded this is what transpired~

A guy hands me a stack of 20 papers and says:

Guy: Alright, here you go. These are very important so keep them somewhere safe. Ok? Good. See ya!

I look down at the stack of papers in my hands. I curl my fingers into fists.

Friend: Yeah those are REALLY important! You see that number? you can't lose it bec... (interrupted by sound of paper ripping)

Friend: GASP!

But it was too late, the shredding of the documents had begun. Soon the entire stack was in tiny pieces.

Me: *throws into air like confetti*

Friend: *high pitch scream*

Me: Gawd! That guy...!

Friend: What have you done?! OMG! Look at it! LOOK AT IT! :O

She searches through the pieces for the important information.

Friend: Look, I think this is...

Me: *interrupts* I NEVER WANT TO SEE IT EVER AGAIN! *slaps at it*

Friend: No! That's fine, I'll just put this away somewhere~ O_O;;

Me: I hope you burn it! -.-

Friend: LOL ^_^;;

Not one of my proudest moments. Actually it was pretty stupid... Extremely stupid. Then I had to face the next morning which was filled with discussions of my dysfunction. Everyone seemed to find it... hilarious?! While I was all full of shame and embarrassment, they were like:

"Oh it happens to everyone! People get mad and rip a sheet of paper in half, big deal!"


"Besides it was just soooo funny! It was like snowing important document bits everywhere! LOL"


"That's life, it happens, you can't always be in a good mood, or happy, or agreeable"

and I'd be all "I think it was a little overboard..."

and they were pretty much "Pffft!"

I dunno. I mean I joke about things like getting mad, ripping stuff up and throwing it in the air all the time but this is the first time I've really done it... I think. What's next? Am I really going to flip over tables when I'm furious too? I'm afraid this might be a reaccuring thing!! I won't will it?! WILL IT?! This can't be good you know, typing out over dramatic reactions all the time, and now they're turning into reality! Maybe I just need to go get myself a box of chocolates and calm down a bit?! XD

*edit* Here's something unexpected! That's right, country music! I used to steal this cassette from my dad all the time before embarking on my wild adventures in the foresty area beyond our house. This particular song was HIS favorite on the tape. I like it too, it sounds quite pretty:

(cr: BardleyCfan)