First off, sorry for taking so long to post anything... and for the overall lack of decent content that has haunted this site since forever. Ok then, let's move forward.
My trip to Nevada. I've been dying to go to Vegas for years now, but I ended up in Reno (not my choice). It's where everyone else decided to go so I went along with it. Maybe next time it'll be Vegas! :(
Day 1:
Miserable. I was super hungry when we arrived and all the restaurants in the hotels were closed. Our hotel was connected to 4-5 others and turns out there were 2 places open at the time but we missed both of them because we were on a different floor and walked under them. Haha, figures. Went to a buffet a couple hours later and semi-hated it (buffets irritate me because I feel so much pressure to eat a lot of food). Spent the rest of the night in my room babysitting while my brother and his wife gambled. They came back to get him super late... Ugh. While I was trying to fall asleep I couldn't get this sad piano music out of my head and wasted an hour crying before passing out.
Day 2:
Woke up feeling better, got dressed up and went shopping and to eat breakfast. Did a bunch of randoms activities, headed back to the room to watch Ellen and Reno 911, then repeated the cycle. On my way to dinner I was stopped several times by random people wanting to tell me~~ guess what?!
Guy: Hey, hey!.. You look like a vampire! :D
Me: Wha?... Oh ^_^;;
Guy: Why do you look like that? 0_o
Me: I don't know... o.o"
It was destined to happen. I remember a time when I used to tell people to shut their trap after any such comments but I don't care as much these days. I'll always look pale and scary so why not just embrace it. And I have... if people want to play off my undeadness that's fine, so will I.
I got a few more comments from strangers, went to dinner, and was seated at the most awkward table in the restaurant (right next to the line of people waiting to get in). As a diversion to keep my mind off the awkwardness, I texted my BFF and Jay throughout dinner. I left the restaurant with a new outlook on... everything.
Then I did the babysittin' thing again, slept, and left the next day. Doesn't that sound like the most exciting trip of all time?!... Yeah, I didn't think so either. I didn't mean to type out the entire trip like an itinerary, but it's just too difficult to make any of it sound like it was interesting so I gave up trying... but I took some photos:




Me, trees, snow, and the cold!
I bolted to the car as soon as this got snapped, it was freezing!


And of course, even more trees to go with all the trees you've already seen. Some of the scenery reminded me of Twilight, which is my next topic:
Oh my Minho, where do I start? I think I've figured out why everybody assumes I'm an obsessed fan of this movie and here's why~
1. I'm cold to the touch (not something I should brag about I'm guessing). When people complain about being hot I'll usually put my hand on their arm and watch them jump. My hands are like putting a refrigerated drink on someone on a hot day. I know it sounds suspiciously like a health problem being that it's not really normal but I've been to the doctor a million times and nobody can find anything worth worrying about. I'm just cold. Thing is, I should stop pointing it out to people because they probably think I'm doing it to show off my similarities to the Cullens... obviously ㄱ_ㄱ
2. Claude Debussy's Clair de Lune is on my frequently played playlist... I like classical music! Unknown to me, this song has recently been renamed to "that song from Twilight" by crazy fans. When I listen to it people no doubt think it's because Edward does too.
3. Look like the undead. Not my fault.
4. avoid the sun touching my skin at all costs.
5. and occasionally wearing gothic outfits, jewelry, etc. Many people automatically think goth=vampire because they are douches.
You see what I mean? While it's been getting on my nerves the past couple of years that people think I have this huge thing for a movie I had never even seen, it's all just coincidental stuff! I guess it doesn't matter. People can think what they want.
Anyway, now for my favorite thing about the vampires from the movie! They don't sleep! Ever!!! They would be the best guests for a slumber party of all time! The majority of slumber parties I've had turn out like this:
Me: Hahahahaha! And remember that one time, on that show, with that guy, and... and he died... Hahahaha!
Friend: OMG, I know! Ahahahahahha!
Me: Hahahahaha! XD
Me: OhooooOOoo! And then the time....
Friend: *asleep*
Me: Oh come on!!!
Friend: -.- zzZ
Me: ... I'mma kill you while you're sleeping...
I'm always the only one to stay up until morning during the slumber party! Do you know how awful that is?! It's like you wanna do stuff... ANYTHING... but everyone else went to sleep so now what?! Draw on their face? Delicately arrange them to look as though they're having a tea party?! What the heck! Why am I the only one that will stay up? Well.. I suppose there were a couple times my brother made it till dawn but he doesn't count because he wasn't a guest. Geez!
I can't count the number of times over the years that I sat around waiting for someone to wake up so I could tell them about the genius ideas and revelations I had come up with while sword fighting with myself in the mirror all night. I want... no, I need someone who can endure staying awake the whole night. Also, it will come in handy for the times when I travel and everyone wants to nap as soon as we arrive but I can't because I can't do naps. I can't, although I try and end up laying in bed and not sleeping a'tall... waiting for the others to wake up. *sigh*
Before I go, as I mentioned in the title, this will be the last topic mentioning the V word for the next couple of posts. I don't want it to seem like I'm obsessing over it or anything. It's mostly on my mind all the time because with my darker hair someone will say "hey you know what you look like..." to me everyday. I think this is what most people would call... a curse. One that can only be relinquished by getting a tan (but why endure the skin damage that'd bring).
Next post coming up: Facing your new reality (escapee form an Esquire magazine)! see ya'll then ♥
(cr: VVasay)