These are nothing special, just some test shots for an outfit and makeup I was thinking of using for my now annual Fall photography project. For my actual projects I do, indeed, plan to incorporate other people to make it more interesting this time 'round! ^^

Trying a potential Halloween makeup idea...


Scary? :3

By the way, I dyed my hair a burgundy red color...


With my mom's handgun!

These are all from last week... and err, yeah, I need to go back on my strict diet after catching one cold after another from my nephew this summer and missing out on tons of exercising~ As soon as I heal from having my wisdom teeth out (last Friday) I'll get myself back into shape.
In other news~ Like I mentioned above, my wisdom teeth are out! Thank gawd! And I have something else that I'll be posting soon... it's shocking... seriously! XD
'Till then~