I've had a crazy past two weeks. I'm still working on getting my Fair photos from my brother, moving furniture from storage, starting new classes, sorting stuff to get rid of (accidentally watched Hoarders the other day) and getting myself a new look!
Hair before:
^ Angry before picture!
Hair After:
^ Shy, no makeup after photo! I hope y'all aren't blinded by my dark eye circles -.-
The actual color of my hair is a little different from the pic, it's more of a strawberry blonde... for now!
And just because I'm currently obsessed with windblown hair:
How boring just posting images of my face and hair right? XD
Next post is going to be the State Fair + Haunted lot: ghost hunting afternoon! I decided to combine them since I'm behind with my posting. ^^
And I don't mean that as a metaphor for something weird... I went to the Fair and fulfilled a specific desire that went unsatisfied last year. Yay! Given it is just a small roller coaster of course, but next time I aspire to ride bigger, better ones! Let's see if it happens! Pictures are on the way but I have to warn you they aren't the best~~ I didn't pack my good camera and had to resort to using my phone which died halfway through the fireworks display U.U
I'll have a group photo to share also if it ever gets e-mailed to me. Until then check out my awesome wind-blown-roller-coaster hair from tonight:
I love windy summer nights <3
I'll be back with those Fair photos soon! Till then *waves*
Last week I got my intranetz back! Ever since I've been trying to catch up with everything I've missed over the last couple of months and there's been A LOT! For example, not only have I had extremely limited use of social networking sites, I haven't checked my business e-mail in ages as I never get anything there and I MISSED A CASTING CALL FOR SOMETHING I REALLY WANTED!! WAEEEE, oh waeeeeee?! It was irresponsible for me to not have internet and expect to keep my life together... and it'll never happened again! Here that Universe?! NEVER!
So instead of sulking over my personal failure, I decided to open a tumblr blog (I know, so random I am!). The reason for this new blog is so I can post all the random pictures that don't go along with any of my blogger posts. Like when I throw in a picture of my Hello Kitty chopsticks in a post about how much I love coffee yet it ruins my experience as a normal human by giving me the crazies.
BC(before coffee)
Professor: Would you agree?
Me: Indeed, you make a valid point professer! ^.^
AC(After coffee)
Professor: Would anyone like to contribute their view on... *taken aback*
(^gif cr: stupidindx.tumblr.com)
Funny story, usually when we get home (I'm in summer class with my brother again just like last year XD) I head to the house by walking between my brother's car and his roommate's car, and my brother always cuts me off with his door and MUHAHAHAs in my face. Well this morning his roommate's car was gone so I busted out of the car doing the dance similar to that of the gif above and then did victory jumps after to celebrate my epic win. My brother responded "... That's great..." and couldn't help laughing and totally being amused. It was then I turned and saw the guy next door staring in awe while holding his starbucks he had just returned home with. I, being mildly embarrassed, just smiled but also gave a sympathetic expression since his coffee obviously hasn't give him super human dance abilities. (fin)
Haha yeah.. that story ^ is the perfect example of why I started a tumblr. Going off topic with stupid stories about my everyday life belongs in it's own place and not in the middle of a makeup post. I'm getting this blog organized! From this point on you can find random photos and silly recollections on what it's like living life when you're a psycho right here:
I've already posted a few mostly new photos there (one is from a while ago that I just posted because it seems more tumblr style than the others) Oh and did I mention that you can ask me questions there?! Anonymously at that! :b
On with the show! As I said in a previous post, I was a bit furious with how my makeup turned out. I spent an hour on the intricately drawn design and it ended up smeared into a barbed wire looking disaster before I even broke out the camera. Nevertheless, the rest of the look came out ok I guess. Y'all be the judge~
^ Everyone was totally cracking up when I showed them this on my camera. "Wut's with this I'll kill u face?!?" XD
Looking back I shouldn't have used the lip gloss... as soon as the sun got on me the black just stared spreading out and pooling into big, thick lines.
^ that's how it was suppose to be! And it seriously looked close to that at first! T_T
here's the MV if you wanna see his makeup in action:
(^cr: BIGBANG)
I love that song! Fantastic Baby~~~
However, as much as I ♡ this as my official favorite song of spring 2012, my official song for this summer is going to be:
(^cr: SMTOWN)
I knew it was the one after the first 15 seconds... Sexy, free, & single! BINGO! *pelvic thrust* SM really knows how to dress their male artists in S&M outfits eh? ^-^
Alright, I'm out then... wait... I know this is going to negate my whole "tumblr is for all random stuff" but I don't want to leave having only posted all these furious photos of myself. Here's a friendlier and far more recent one:
K, now I'm gone for real. *busts out of chair and dances away*
I've moved again and we've decided to put off getting internet/tv until I get paid again since all these unexpected and ridiculous expenses keep popping up! Moving every year is the lamest (yeah I know I say that every year too -.- )... srsly... So I'm stuck like this for another 2 weeks at least. And I have stuff to post but I forgot the thing-a-majig that connects my camera to upload them.
Not that I really want to be blogging here at my brother's place. He's sharing a house with a bunch of college students while his wife and son are in the Philippines for the summer. Anyway, I can't do anything around here without people looking over my shoulder and being all "What this, what's that?" or just staring and saying nothing in general. It seems so hectic here though! And I'm about to leave, I just wanted to express my regret for disappearing from the interwebz forever and for the millionth time this year! T.T
I'm not exactly happy to be headed home now by the way, there's no one to talk to there and I'm going insane for real this time. I talked to myself in the mirror yesterday!.. Then I danced! Then I cried... and danced some more! I should probably get fitted for a straight jacket! D:
It's the last day of spring break!.. Or the last few minutes of the last day and I'm FREAKING OUT!! I'm not ready to go back to the old schedule! Get up at 4:30 AM! Ohmagah! Half my vacation was ruined by stupidity anyway! I deserved better yeah?! We ALL deserve better RIGHT?!!!! Well, I'm going to do something about it (aside from spazzin' out)! I'm gonna skip tomorrow and have one last, perfect day of freedom! Cause you know I didn't do my homework for my early morning class yet!!! If I do it'll take all night and I'll end up with no sleep and then tomorrow in class when I have to speak in front of everyone I'll have the CRAZIES and my sentences will be all over the place!! My brother recently criticized an e-mail I wrote my professor because it had far too many run-on sentences! And I said "but that's the way I always explain stuff!" and he was like "Omg it's horrible! This should be like 20 separate sentences!" Is it true? Is everything I write a never ending run-on sentence?! Wait, WHAT, so who's with me in taking an extra day of spring break! YEAH!
AHHHHHHH! By the way, I just realized that the post I wrote for Christmas and New Years never got posted. I guess when I wrote it I got tired because it was late and then I decided to read over it the next day (it was pretty long). BUT I FORGOT and thought it was posted already! This has happened plenty of times in the past but I usually noticed it within a day or two because I updated more often back then. AHHH!! So lame and I already posted the photos on twitter! Anyway I cosplayed on Christmas and it was awesome, here's the pics if you missed them...
♫being a creep during Christmas time is soooo speciaaaAAaaalll♫
"le mew"
This is from twitter and I'm recycling it here since I think it's ultraaa pretty:
Pink winter sunset ♡
And the rest of the post that never saw the light of blogspot was about my acting gig and my becoming all the more socially awkward and reserved as an after effect. I don't know, putting myself out there like that made me sort of insecure even though the experience was mostly a good one. Guess I'm just really weird! And then I wrote about my new year's resolutions which were really boring and silly. For example that I want to have a whirlwind romance this summer. Which isn't anything new, it's definitely nothing out of the ordinary or anything that would conflict with my anti-relationship or asexual views previously posted.. ㅋㅋㅋ :x
OmG! oMg! OMG! I took some photos 2 days ago that I'll put up next time. I did a FAILED attempt at pulling off a gdragon look. I wasn't going to show anyone but I might as well since I really screwed up with the holiday blogging! UHUHUHUHUHUHUH! I've missed this place SO much! *cries hysterically* Almost no one on FB gets me at all! It's always "why are you typing in a foreign language!" or "why are you wearing a bra for a top!" or "Why do you only like stuff that's weird?!"
I never meant to leave here.. I've just had all my free time taken away with work and school and I thought I could really make it work out with FB and twitter alone... BUT I CAN'T!!! Maybe I should just start a diary and keep all this whining to myself........... but where's the fun in THAT!!!!!!!! 'Till next time..