Friday, November 20, 2009


Hey thar, how's it going everyone?!

Sorry I've been really lame and didn't update regarding the survey. I've been so busy lately it's hard to keep up with anything! T_T Anyway, if you wanna order just contact me at and let me know. I think I'm gonna end the survey on the 23rd of Nov with the hope that the order will arrive before Xmas... but you probably know how long the shipping takes from Korea, and that it might not happen. Keep that in mind alright? And if you miss this survey, don't worry because I'm sure I'll have another one sometime since I order all the time. :b

I'm not charging fees or anything so the cost will be just the item price + whichever shipping charges apply to you. I was actually planning to write a very detailed post about ordering and how it works for those of you that are new to the Gmarket thing but I just don't have the patience or the ability to concentrate long enough to write it today.... So here's a blog (click here) I found that explains how to order and what kind of costs you might have to pay. Haha, I'm so glad they took the time to give some decent instructions... Oh and if you're a Gmarket n00b, the main purpose of the survey is to save money on shipping just so you know! (that's the reason right?! lol) ^-^

I'll most likely come back tomorrow with a new post, so see ya'll then and enjoy your weekend!~ ♥♥♥

OH! AND BY THE WAY, I can't believe some of my friends actually got furious and then deleted me after the stupid facebook thing... and it was after I apologized too! WTF?! u.u

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