Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ever After High Cerise Hood Doll Review!

Hey there! I just got settled in my new place after a ridiculously hectic post-holiday move! While I have not posted a doll review since... well, ever on Blogger, I wanted to because I just bought Cerise Hood and I wanted a fresh post for the start of a new year, in a new place, with new things. Over the years here, I've gone over my hobbies of collecting fancy formal wear and handbags. Although recently, I've matured and realized that toy collecting is more rewarding and fun :P

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^ Beholding her own reflection! Cerise Hood is the 3rd Ever After High doll I've purchased. The other two being Madeline Hatter and Raven Queen, both of which have yet to arrive in the mail. I made it a point to get Cerise in person so I could make sure her bangs weren't a complete nightmare like my Twyla's were. Anyway, here she is in the box~

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I had to choose between five at my local Target and brought home the one with the most even bangs, best makeup, and her hands seemed molded more carefully than the others, as her nails and fingers seemed more detailed.

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I absolutely love the design of her box!

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^Some info on Cerise.

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Out of the box. I have to say that getting her out was kind of a nightmare -_-

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I adore how detailed her entire outfit is, it seems to be made really well also. I don't like to leave the plastic staples or clear bands on dolls when I de-box them. Her hood was sticking up a little awkwardly at first but after I leaned her against the above vase for about 10 mins, it was pushed back into place and stayed that way. So yay~

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Isn't she cute?! I'm really glad that I got back into doll collecting this past year. I went a little crazy on Black Friday and bought my first Monster High doll. I wanted to get them when they first came out, but just didn't have the resources at the time to buy things that weren't a necessity. Luckly I worked the sales and ended up with more than 10 MH dolls. LOL. Thanks to the excellent sales online, I bought a bunch that usually sell for $20-$25 for about $5 a piece with free shipping. I might have an addiction to bargain hunting now but it's worth it!  ;P

^(cr: Ever After High @youtube)

P.S. My new header is an actual picture of the sky from my back porch taken around mid December. It's by far the prettiest Winter sunset/sky I've ever seen in California! (Some people on FB thought it was photoshoped and it absolutely is not, only resized and such. It's not my fault they were probably all playing Candy Crush on their phones and missed it!)

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