I think each episode runs slightly over an hour and there's 25 of them. And don't forget the weird "F4 Five Yrs Later" music videos! I don't know how long those lasted for sure lol... but anyhow, I watched probably about 26-27 hours of drama!.. That's longer than an entire day!! ;.; Is it even legal to watch so much in such a short period of time?? I think I'm clinically depressed now... there should have been a warning! :O

Argh, and where to start... well I decided to watch this drama mainly because *cough* KHJ *cough* and because I'm trying to learn Korean for my new job conquest (and I think I actually picked up about 20 new useful phrases). Hooray! That and I read it was a "romantic/comedy" so I was thinking maybe it wouldn't be that depressing right? 아니오...
The first few episodes were totally hilarious! Then out of nowhere the humor just stopped. Tears in almost every single scene from this point until the end.. I was more than disappointed about this as I wanted to continue the laughter so badly. I tried to carry on with my upbeat mood and positive outlook, so I just continued to laugh even when they would cry. (this strategy didn't last long enough). When that failed, I would just "Pffffft!" everytime they started bawling because I felt ridiculous for slowly becoming more emo over this silly tv show.
Finally, toward the final episodes, Ji Hoo was having a pretty bad breakdown... and I cried too. The scene was kinda sad... but I think it was mostly because his crying scenes were so difficult to watch.. and I don't mean they were hard to watch because of his character's situation either. I'm talking about the severe facial expression and desperate ordeal he seemed to be going through to try and draw out tears... Some people might just call this bad acting, but I felt bad for KHJ (the actor) straining so hard to cry! So I cried for him!! ;.; It was soooo touching~
lol, yeah. Then I cried a few more times out of frustration~ Why can't Jan Di ever complete a conversation huh? Why does she always look toward the ground and run away? So frustrating right?!
Jun Pyo: Geum Jan Di! Say you like me! All you have to do is say that one thing!
Jan Di: *looks down and walks away*
Jun Pyo: Jan di! Tell me not to marry Jae Kyung! Just tell me not to do it!
Jan Di: *looks down and walks away*
Jun Pyo: Why are you doing this?! Is it because my mother has done something?! Is that why?! Or do you really want to leave me?!
Jan Di: *looks down and walks away*
Jun Pyo: Geum Jan Di! Will you marry me? *is down on one knee*
Jan Di: *looks down, stands still, says nothing*
It goes on forever!! My gawd! Can't she at least say something?! Anything?! Whether bad or good?! I just want to shake her.
The worst part is I realize that it's so annoying because I do that same thing in such situations. Even with people I really like/care about, I can't ever get anything to come out of my mouth and I let the conversation end horribly... So there, I'm annoyed at Jan Di because she acts like me in a way -_- Even though we both try to live without regrets, that's how all of our convos will end..
I also watched episodes of "We Got Married" (the ones with KHJ in them hahaha). WGM also wasted many hours of my life that I can never get back. It's a fun show though! And it was so hilarious watching Hyunjoong being very uncomfortable with ~skinship~ and then watching him in the drama where he had to touch/hug/kiss someone in every scene. I couldn't help but check his face for sighs of awkwardness while watching BOF... wasn't so bad actually, I think the time he spent with Hwang Bo was very beneficial for his role in the drama hmm? (btw I really kinda like HwangBo) -_^
Well, all in all, I guess the drama had a somewhat satisfactory ending. I would've liked to see everyone end up with their soul mate or whatever though. Poor Ji Hoo... I wanted to die when she refused his ring... but at the same time I wanted her to stay with Jun Pyo. Which reminds me, why do all these guys like the same girl? And when new girls come along they always want only Jun Pyo? It's not like he's the dreamiest of the group or anything.... he is really cute though! ^_^
I've got one last complaint about the show also... Which is: why does Jan Di get in a life threatening situation just about every single day?! Really?! Like the F4 would really go running to save her everytime like that... lol... I imagine it more like...
Woo Bin: *picks up phone* Ji Hoo? What?! Jan Di has been kidnapped and tied up and fell in the pool while passing out from walking in the snow too long again?!
Yi Jung: Whoa... Woo Bin. Tell him we're tired and hang up!
Woo Bin: Yeah, Ji Hoo... sorry but we saved her from all those things yesterday and the day before that. She really should've been more careful today.. Let's go after her tomorrow ok?
Ji Hoo: ............. k.... you guys are probably right. Maybe if we don't get her right away she won't be so quick to get into trouble again.. later *hangs up*
Jun Pyo: *walks in F4 lounge and looks at Yi Jung and Woo Bin* What's up?!
Yi Jung: Nothing new, wanna play burnout paradise?
Jun Pyo and Woo Bin: Yeeeeah!! ^_^
haha Ok, so maybe that'd be horrible of them... and I guess if it was someone extremely important to me I'd save them everytime too..... *sigh* -_-
Well moving on... After I finished the drama I did exactly what every teenage girl does! I took like 5 different QUIZZES to find out which guy of the F4 is right for me! Tehehehe! Guess who I got everytime!?!?!?

Ji Hoo!

^btw KHJ looks so much better in person than he did on BOF...
I was kinda hoping for Jun Pyo for some reason... I can't even figure out why, I always try to avoid people like him.
(End BOF rant)
So I decided to make a new e-mail account just for the purpose of feedback for this blog. Since it's become obvious that most people that read here (mostly ya'll that read my ex-Xanga site) will never make a blogger account and/or leave a comment. I don't wanna open the comment option to people without an account due to the threat of spam. Also, it'll be nice to separate e-mails you guys send from the ones I get from irritating customers asking ridiculous questions. So here you go~
(sorry, couldn't think of anything) XD
Anyway, people that used to go to my Xanga probably remember the incident where I said "if anyone sends anything really offensive or stupid, I'll post it on this blog (incl'd your e-mail add) and make fun of you severely".... and then EVERYONE sent me rude and offensive e-mails so I'd post them?! Huh?! Remember that?! Well it was really funny/lame but I don't want that to happen this time. So if you send something rude or offensive this time I'll probably just ignore. Thx~
That was like.... most useless drama review o_O
So why did you leave xanga again 姐姐?! I really do not get why you switch to blogger... it sucks... 哈哈哈~
Why don't you write a better one then! hmmm?! :b
You should already know I moved here in a desperate attempt to ditch you for good... nah, if you still have your account there, you can go read the final post with the answer..(otherwise it's closed if you're not on the friends list anymore)..
and WTF?! Sending offensive mail already dongsaeng? That e-mail option isn't open to you! You have to keep posting here! XD
Pffffft! So stupid, you cannot claim to ditch me when we left the same time ar!!! Whatever~ I read the last post and it sucked... so I guess you left from embarrassment yah??
Why is it so important I comment here noona??! Because your readers will leave without me ah?? XD
btw I will watch BOF and then post a real review here Ok!!! :P
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