Hey anybody remember way back in February when I designed an outfit for a Taeyang doll? Well I finally took some pictures of it about 3 weeks ago!... And today I finally uploaded them on my computer! lol~ I can't believe I waited so long.. I thought I was going to have to spend lots of time photoshopping them or whatever, but after resizing them I realized they just need some color adjustments and nothing more! Too bad, I think I'm already forgetting the photoshop skillz I've learned...
Anyway here's the pic of my original sketch I drew while high on cold medication:

And the actual result of outfit completed:

(All credit for the construction of this outfit goes to mEda! She was the most awesome person to work with ever! I strongly recommend that anyone looking for unique doll outfits or accessories visit her website! Click link here: *~Princess Tapi~* )

^So awesome right!

^check out the custom details ya'll


^ awww cute..

^I'm really amazed it came out looking so close to my sketch :O
Haha, I tried to throw in a pic of myself but I felt all awkward about the doll being so much cuter than me.. so I decided to thrust him in front of me right before this pic was snapped! :b

It was actually pretty cold and rainy that day so I stole my brother's giant coat and wore it.. But the rain totally made my hair and makeup a mess -_- I would normally feel devastated by such events! However, while at the park someone asked me what HIGH SCHOOL I go to!! Bwahahahaha!! That was enough to make me satisfied with my appearance for the rest of the day~ ^_^ wahhh 파이팅!!!
I also took some pictures of the weird maypole dance (or whatever it was) before leaving to go home. I have reservations about posting them though, since I know two people that participated and I think they'd die if they knew I was posting 'em up on a blog. Anyway~


I know the guy in the postal uniform... postal workers are crazy man..

I also know the women with the long blonde hair @_@
haha, I'm just joking, it's wasn't that odd really... I mean just because we're not in Europe or wherever they normally do this... ummm it looks like a few people might be wearing some sort of costumes though :b (I love costumes!)
So I heard the MOST SHOCKING news ever yesterday. I was talking to someone about Boys Over Flowers and we were discussing our favorite scenes..
Me: I like so many... but one that really stands out is the hide and seek in Macau ^_^
Her: Oh yeah, i like that one too hehehehe... I still don't get why netizens were upset about it.. -_-;;
Me: .................. wut..... WUT?! :O
Her: Huh? you didn't know that? lol XD
Her: They said it made them feel weird while watching it! hehehehehe~
Me: netizens r so stoopid... how can anyone not love that scene! D:
Her: It was adorable! :P
Me: I know ;.;
(maybe by now you've realized I was exaggerating a bit when I said "most shocking" lol)

^Jan Di and Ji Hoo wearing masks for a hide and seek game in Macau~

^Woo Bin's mask was obviously the funniest because the little bells would jingle when he was running after the hiders! Sooooo adorable... it reminded me of the sound my cat makes running around with a bell on her collar! =^..^=
pffft, those netizens must be douchebags to hate that scene I tell ya -_-
But seriously! I love it! I'm going to the Venetian Macau just so I can re-enact it!!! I'll do the bridge scene too!! tehehehe.... You think I'm kidding???.... O_O
Result looks better detailed lah~ did you ask her to make that way or she just decided to add stuff??! XD
풋.. clever how you place the answer to my fb ? carefully hidden in this post. 하하하~ Why do you do this annoying things ah??! o_O
k, c 유 n 澳门!! >.<
Well we discussed changing the belt, adding grommets, and the lacing on the pants.. I wanted it as detailed as possible (like my actual outfit)! ^_^ She did a great job huh?!
muhahahaha! I couldn't just give you the answer... the is the first time I actually had a positive response so I decided to make it extra special/irritating for you! LoL cuteness @ your stupid code thingy ♥ XD
btw, prepare your manager cuz I won't be putting up with his crap this time.. I'm not afraid to punch him either! >.<
yeah, really nice result ar!!!
哈哈~ you are really follow through this time huh??! i still have not seen the macau episodes yet.. Im on 10 right now~ T_T
그래 Punch him!!! >.< My god... situation is dejavu leh!!!!
... *this ^_^
Whawhat?! How'd you get to episode 10 already? Don't you have like.. almost no free time lately? :O
LOL, you wouldn't be implying that your manager is the equivalent to President Kang would you? Bwahahaha XD
... screw you!! How come you always notice my grammar mistakes when you can barely construct a sentence yourself?! Die! ;.;
I had time to kill on flight!! 哈哈哈~ Yeah yeah.. he will be called *manager kang* from this point OK!!!!
풋... :P
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