I love this dress so much that I couldn't pick which photos to post so I'm just gonna post most of them. Prepare yourselves~~








I can't believe I was on the fence about buying this gown at first. It was a little expensive but SOOO WORTH IT!! When I was picking it out, the salesperson told me that customers sometimes buy dresses like these for their wedding and I'm absolutely sold on the idea now! If I get married I'm thinkin' it will be in this dress or something else similar, and of course it'll probably be a Halloween wedding. I was picturing it in my head as I was resizing/recoloring the photos~~ just add a black veil and a mystery groom to the photo (I imagine him wearing a black leather mask since I've no idea what he'd look like and the creepiness appeals to me). Sounds lovely huh? I must be losing it, I'm actually considering it and maybe it's just cause I want to wear the dress again... or it's those candles... maybe they're responsible for these reckless thoughts XD
~More photos @ friend's house~

^this is her coffin.

^and there she is. Eerily enough holding a bag of tealight candles :o

^Another friend looking extra creepy

^That's my nephew in front of them

^brother and nephew

^Friends, brother's wife, nephew

^ Out trick or treating

^Me while being questioned by the scarecrow:
Him: So where's your costume? Why are you outside when the sun's still up? Isn't this what you wear everynight?~ Etc. XD

^back at our place, living room~




^Me next to my Pamela Voorhees tribute decor.


Sis in law, nephew

^With my mom. We're almost the same height with me wearing flats and her wearing super high heeled shoes.

^Halloween family photo (lol my brother's crazy expression).

And one quick recount of scariness that night. I kept having to reapply the blood because after it dried it eventually fell off. So I was in the bathroom, leaning over the sink (so as not to make a mess) and adding more blood when I backed away from the mirror and someone was standing there beside me! D:
Him: *adjust his collar* Ha! Whose collar is the highest now?! ^_^
Me: wha... the hell?! Where'd you come from?! :O
Him: Muhahaha!
Me: ... *stares* O_O;;
Hope everyone had a great Halloween! ^-^
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