Thought I'd stop by to wish everyone a Happy Halloween and post a quick update. I didn't get around to it earlier because I was preoccupied with the situation in our apartment. I woke up at 3AM and discovered our furnace (that we never use and isn't lit) was leaking an awful smell~~ at which point I freaked out (I mean REALLY freaked out!) tryin' to decide whether to wake my mom up and get the heck outta here or not. It caused a full blown panic attack! But what else can be expected, it IS super dangerous right?! Anyway, I couldn't let it go, spazzed out about it all day until the PG&E guy showed up to turn off the gas and told us he was taking the valve and capping the pipe. We're not planning on using that death trap furnace this winter so we didn't ask to have it fixed, just turned off completely with no gas supply. After he left, I continued to spaz even more throughout the day haha.
These last few days I've been shopping, decorating, going out with friends and... I agreed to attend a party this year! The girl that gave me the candles is hosting it and I thought since I just mentioned her in the last post it's sort of a sign... and I haven't seen her in forever so I should I guess. I'll try to get some pictures, hopefully everyone is gonna dress up! ^-^ By the way, I did end up getting a Victorian ball gown to wear. I got the smallest size as was advised by the salesperson although I had my doubts about it, but it fits. I am a little too tall for the dress to wear it with my huge boots so I'll be going with flats this time... so much for being ultra tall and narrow like one of those creepy clowns with the super long legs :/
While on the subject of fashion, here's the photos I was gonna post a few days ago. Nothing exciting, only that I finally wore an outfit that's been hanging in my closet for 2 years:
I had to edit my face/hair out of the photo because the rain that afternoon ruined both T.T

Yeah, it's just my first wintery outfit. I usually avoid sweater dresses at all costs since they make me look extremely bulky, but I wore it anyway in a liberating act of defiance. It seemed more awesome at the time but now it's like "just a sweater dress, who cares?" XD
I'll be continuing with my photo project and a Halloween post with photos in the next few days. Have fun! ♥♥♥
Oh, and here's a song we used to play every Halloween at our house when we were kids. I think my brother won this cassette in a contest at our school~ It's sort of lame and sounds like Thriller but I like it anyway (good memories) :b
2014 Update: The Chamber of Horrors music tape got removed so yeah... listen to it if you ever come across it.
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