Back when I was younger and purchased small pets, I always just bought the awful cages at whatever store I was in, even though they were usually an explosion of primary colors and clashed with my decor. That's why this time around I've decided to buy the cage in advance to avoid being forced into wasting money on one that I, and my hamster, will end up hating. I seriously think my last hamster DESPISED his cage big time. The fool at the pet store obviously had sold me one that was wayyy too small and it was terrible to try to clean!.. But that is all in the past and today I am here to present to you *ahem* THE HAMSTER DOME TOWER (by IRIS from Japan)!!!!

I got the blue one there. I originally wanted the pink but I thought the blue went better with my stuff. Ironically enough, the final destination of the cage ended up being on my cream colored dresser which is covered with white and pink things! XD

^the awesomely 日本語 instructions! Too bad I backed out of my 2nd semester of Japanese this spring because my schedule was too full... I slightly regretted it today.
After unpacking it, I was planning to take photos of the construction in stages but then I got into building mode and totally forgot... So here it is finished:
The dome had red and green stickers on it that read "IRIS Hamster Dome Tower" and "something something Hiragana Katakana something Kanji." They were totally distracting and ruined the clean simplicity of the cage so I peeled them off and stuck them to the instruction sheet :b
Inside the food dome!
^The wheel (which I may have to replace if our hamster is too big)! By the way, that's my poinsettia on the left that I've managed to keep alive since last December! It's not as bright red as it used to be though u.u
I did an extra one with the flash because it's more accurate to the actual color. Sorry my balcony is such a mess y'all.
Stay tuned for The Dome Tower Part II (Moving in the hamster)! It'll probably be sometime this summer as I don't want to adopt a pet when my schedule is so full and all D:
Till next time!~