Sunday, April 14, 2013

Makeup Post! Big Bang - Monster~ G-Dragon's crazy goth look!

This was something I did for a pre-Halloween look last year. The makeup was based on GD's in Big bang's Monster MV and the hair is based on Jane's from twilight. I don't really have much of a reason for combining the two, but I thought G-Dragon's hair would've taken too much effort and I'm bad at doing hair! Heh... So anyway, here's the specific makeup I was trying to recreate:

 photo 1gdmonster.jpg

^ That plus this hairstyle:

 photo Jane-sm_zps1dc872b1.jpg


 photo gdmonstermku032-jngd-rs2.jpg

Tada! It turned out ok right?! D:

Of course after putting on all that makeup and all, I had to take plenty of pics. I like the one above the best but I have some others that came out with better resolution, which may or may not be a good thing..

gdmonstermku051-rs photo gdmonstermku051-rs.jpg

If I was a comic book character I imagine I'd look pretty similar to this^ 


gdmonstermku068-rs2 photo gdmonstermku068-rs2.jpg

^sideways pic for good measure!

 photo gdmk-rs_zpsb3a2996a.jpg

^And without my poorly edited red/orange eyes...

and another with orange eyes:

 photo gdmonstermku104-rs.jpg

Detailed and scary right? I apologize for looking so disgruntled. I may never be able to pull of a GD expression without looking furious. Maybe I subconsciously needed to express Jane's personality.

So there you go.

I have at least one more makeup post from last October to put up... It'll be strange in an entirely different, not so androgynous way! See you then~ :3

*Edit for MV XD


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