It's really just a foundation, nothing special. Maybe other people are more lucky with the haunted places these days because my paranormal project was a total bust. If only I had one of those fancy ghost-o-meters like on television... I'd be able to decipher the sound of a bee landing on a flower petal and then find a way to spin that sound into some ancient word from a foreign language that means "get out!" or "You're DOOMED." Here's the location in question (as it looked one year ago when I took the pics):

It used to be a house and they say this foundation is, of course, built on an Indian burial ground/plot/something. It's common knowledge to people in the area that this is the home of furious and tormented spirits!

I tried all sorts of ghost huntin' techniques that I've heard about. Sadly nothing worked. I even resorted to the most basic of research techniques: poking it with a stick. Still nothing; except the collective judgement and scorn of paranormal investigators everywhere that're furious at my inexperienced attempts to harass spirits.
I tried one last idea. I took a break to meditate as I've heard that can be helpful...

OMG!... Nothing! Like I said in the beginning, I didn't get my desired results. XD

The scraggly tree was pleasant as always though!
Oddly enough, I recently came across some Halloween photos I took in a house where the previous owner died and it has all sorts or freaky stuff in it. It only ever happened on that Halloween and I honestly think the pics are pretty obvious evidence of a ghost. I'll update my list of things to do~ upload those photos next time we're talking about ghosts.
Here's the pics from the Fair last year:

The smallish coaster I rode... Shut up! I'm still happy I got to ride one at all that summer! lol




let's face it, the food is the most interesting thing I have to offer today. I ate my entire funnel cake until I was totes sick U.U
Well that is all. I did some more GD makeup and it's on the agenda for next time. I swear I'll post it soon! I SWEAR IT! D:
With Love,
The girl that always forgets to update her blog for like an entire year :x
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