I'd like to start this post off with more of the Sims... weee isn't it great? Haha, OK, here's the rest of the last sims related post (if you're bored of Sims nonsense just scroll past it right!). :bSim 1:
Sim 3:
Sim 4:
So whether you see the resemblance or not, I bet you guessed correctly since the last lyrics post I did was for Abracadabra. I used the MV as inspiration, which is why they're super pale with really bright lipstick colors ^-^... I wish I could've found more similar hairstyles though. Anyway, it was fun making them and playing them in the game! :DAhh the joy of Bodyshop~~ I'll unveil the Sims I made for me and mah lil brother next time since I didn't take the screenshots yet... *lazy*~~Next topic~~Has anyone else noticed the androgynous girl, Amber, that's debuting in a new group called f(x)? I don't blame you if you have no idea who I'm talking about seeing as they haven't even debuted yet. But yeah, she looks like a boy.... Which I think is pretty cool~
(^screencap of Amber from Lachata preview)I actually wish all the group members were tomboys... But they're not so I have no interest in the others at all... Oh yeah, I read that this group is going for the "charismatic/sexy" concept?.... Ewww! Most of them are like 14-15 yrs. old. They should wait until they've at least finished puberty first ya know? XDWell, this is a short entry but I'll be back in a few days with something new and entertaining. By the way, I recently decided to enter a fashion contest! So I'll be sure to get some photos up for that! I highly doubt that I'll win but whatever, it'll be something to do besides work or gaming.♥♥♥♥♥♥
Finally! ^-^ I'm back to make a new post!
So I've learned something new and annoying. Ever wondered why you see bruises on the arms and legs of your favorite pop stars in unedited photos? Exercise and dance training! That's why -_- ... I'm sure most of you already knew that but I just felt like complaining about it today because I'm covereded in hideous bruises and have a shattered toenail from it. *sigh* It's also part of the reason the pics I said I'll post soon keep getting postponed~ Because I'm too decrepit to take them... Haha.. Whatever, let's move on to another topic right!

Yes another one of my sims posts! *watches all readers disappear* lol... I know my Sims posts are boring but I'm obsessed with playing it again. Oh, and just to clarify, I'm not talking about the Sims 3... I still play the Sims 2. Why? Because I've only heard unappealing things about the Sim 3 (especially about the limited options in design-a-sim, and from pictures I've seen they look pretty hideous).. and also I can buy expansion packs for the Sims 2 for way less that the original price. Like I just ordered nightlife (for vampiRes!) for $10 and I think it was originally priced at $40 ^-^
And guess what, I made a quiz (well kinda). Can you recognize these sims people? It's pretty easy, especially if you read my last lyrics post~
SIM 1:


^still SIM 1 with different hair.
SIM 2:



SIM 3:


^SIM 3 with different hair/outfit


SIM 4:



easy right? :b
I'm pretty excited I can finally use Bodyshop. I've had this game for 5 yrs. and never got to try that feature because it wouldn't work. Last week I just happened to think "Hmm, I just got a gaming computer...maybe.." and it works! :D Now I can make them look so much more accurate to my vision! So I already made myself and my team member as Sims and I'll post them along with the answer to the quiz next time... just in case my design skills really suck so much no one can recognize them ;.;
And now comes the part where I try to credit the creators for the hundreds of custom content items I used... Which will take forever since I can't remember them all so I'll just list the sites I used to find the content: raonjena, modthesims2, peggy sims. I think that's all, I'll stop by the sites later and make sure I find everything so I can give proper credit to everyone~
I don't think I'd even play this game still without the custom stuff... example of non custom content sim made by game creators:


needs makeover!
Also, I got the Mansions and Gardens stuff pack so I could design houses to be more realistic. It's the first pack I've installed because I've only been using the base game + custom content all this time. I was surprised that it added features from all the other expansion packs too. Not something many would notice since practically everone I know has all the other expansions except me. Anyway, M&G added locking doors, ceilings, leftover option, phone options, interaction options, and the option to see neighboring houses from your lot! :D
Along with other stuff like this random jerk stealing a Sim's newspaper.... He's stealing it from the new girl that just moved into the neighborhood (they don't even know each other at all.. lol). I think he's gotten away with 4 papers already XD

^His suit is not custom content and that's why it's texture sucks -_- and where the hell is the newspaper he's suppose to be stealing?

Maybe it's like when they steal the gnome and it just disappears into nowhere o_0
Anyway, we'll see how things turn out after I install my first ever expansion pack Nighlife!... and turn everyone into vampires. ^-^ Or maybe trying to install an expansion pack when I already have eleven thousand CC files will make my computer burst into flames :X
I'll also try to get some lyrics up soon... I need to find out who will be releasing new songs soon :3