Friday, August 7, 2009

A few pictures of my new hair~ and boring commentary.. and myspace..

Well not really new... I've had it for a couple weeks already but I was too lazy to take pics as I had previously claimed I would on twitter... sorry. I still haven't done the suit ones either (photo session was changed to next week lol). Which reminds me that the freakin' suit doesn't fit anymore! Whyyyy?! It was so much trouble getting that damn outfit. First because I couldn't find a women's suit with the right jacket length or button placement.. and secondly because men's suits are all so big here I had to order one from g-market. T_T I'll try to make it work though because I have no other option right now~

Moving on... Tada~ New hair!~ I was sitting around bored today while everyone else was helping a family friend move... So I pulled out my old, crappy camera and stupidity ensued~


^haha that's not it... I was just playing around with my hair in front of the mirror (the mirror which I forgot to clean before takings these pics so it was filthy.. srry -_-;; ).

Anyway~ Tada~


I got bangs! Even though I hate 'em bwahaha... I was thinking it'd make me look nicer though since it hides some of my face! XD


^I tried my best to copy Paris Hilton's twitter avy... Didn't work out really, and I hope no one goes and compares it with her avy because it fails! I was too lazy to do any real photoshopping on my photos (just quick color/contrast stuff) and her avy is PS'd to the maxxx! I don't mean that as an insult either.. but it looks like they PS'd it to the point that you can't even figure out where her eyelids are anymore @_@... she also was even more pale than me which is impossible because she always has pretty tanned skin.. I think... she does right?! XD


^That's how pale I am in a natural light~ Seriously....

(haha ok, ok the color was edited some to make it even more noticeable :b ).
pwahaha~ But when I'm out in natural light everyone does seem to make vampire/goth comments about my paleness...

And just for fun~ bonus pics...


Taeyaaaang! His eyes are the same size as mine!! D:


...... don't judge me -_-

I tried to take a few pics of my whole body just because I'm kinda proud that I've *FINALLY* started to toned myself up... thanks to the horrific daily workouts! But my filthy mirror ruined it.. You'll have to wait for the suit pics I guess :b

 ♥ ^_^


Anonymous said...

wtf!! Why you always writing about me when I gone ah??! >.<

~BiaoBai~ said...

Don't you "wtf?!" @ me! Why are you here anyway? I thought you were gonna be gone till September douche! I purposely posted this while you were away so I wouldn't have to deal with your bitchy comments... didn't work so well huh ;.;

Anonymous said...

I wont busy this week so I have time OK!!! :P Pics remind me of 5.Chou!!! You r her stalker meh??! 哈哈 XD

~BiaoBai~ said...

Lol it took me like 30 mins to figure out who 5.chou is! >_< You mean from FB right? Because I've noticed I've been taking pics kinda similar too haha..

... so... yeah I kinda stalk her a lil.. :X

Anonymous said...

yes and now you have same hair as her leh!!! just different color~ 퐈하하!!! did you see the scandalous topic on the the old forum jj?!! You have anti's now from the myspace shit!!! XD

~BiaoBai~ said...

yeah I remember too~ lol But I'm not gonna go there and say anything because I really just dun care... and I know you D0NT either douche! :b
Instead of wasting time we should be studying! ^_^

Anonymous said...

그래요!!!! SKYPEEE!!! GO!! WE MUST GO!!! ^o^