Monday, September 14, 2009

Random converations and influences... so that's why I'm "weird"

It's kinda odd, I usually feel totally incoherent when it comes to Chinese, but I was able to identify what they were saying throughout most of the new SuJu song. Guess I should thank my friend, Mimi, for that. Who would have thought our pointless conversations (which were mostly just us making fun of each other) would instill information that might turn out to be of use? O_0

Actually, besides teaching me random Mandarin phrases, I feel like she also contributed to my strange sense of humor. Maybe you know what I'm talking about... or maybe you're thinking "What sense of humor, you're a douche." ~~I guess I may never know.

But it got me thinking about who influences me the most in that area. These people have shaped who I am today (a freak). Anyway, I'd say I place most the blame on:

1. best friend, Melinda
2. blogger counterpart
3. my brother... which is kinda sad really
4. Mimi, awesomely insane friend from China
5. Another friend of mine that's currently in China (I think), Robert.
6. Even my parents...

Well, Mimi is easily the weirdest of them all.. Talk about a random/rude/confusing/insane person. To be honest, I can't believe I've never mentioned her on my blog before. I've mentioned all the other people on the list at one point or another but not Mimi.

Therefore, I decided I should introduce her to you all.. and I thought what better way than to post some of her "inspiring" words here. So here's an excerpt from a chat we had last year. I'd like to point out that this was the MOST NORMAL conversation we've ever had....

Mi: *BUZZ*

Mi: because I have important things I want to tell you!

AK: What?

Mi: Hilary Rodham Clinton?

Mi: Do you know?

AK: Yeah...

Mi: We think Hilary Rodham Clinton is such evil *****!

AK: lol why?

Mi: *eyes fill with fire*


AK: ........

AK: what?

Mi: -_- afskd

AK: foo...

Mi: hahaha.. what?


Mi: hihihi... hey you know?

AK: yeah... I know everything. ^_^

Mi: I have English exam tomorrow... I'm very nervous

Mi: because I need to have the best score!

Mi: What do you think?

AK: You'll totally fail... of course

Mi: .... 我的心... (my heart..) feels very much pain from this comments T_T

AK: Face it, you don't even know the lyrics to Wannabe!

AK: It's on the test!

AK: You're so screeeewed! I'm really sorry 我的朋友..(my friend..)

Mi: If I learn it I can pass?

AK: duh... gawd, sometimes...

AK: So what are you doing this weekend?

Mi: HahahahahA. YO!!

AK: 什么? (what?)

Mi: I'll tell ya what I want! What I really really want!

AK: Oh... darnit ;.;

Mi: So tell me what ya want, what ya really really want!

Mi: I'll tell ya what I want! What I really really want!

AK: Ok, I say you'll probably pass the exam now~

Mi: So tell me what ya want what ya really really want!

(long pause)

AK: are you finished?

Mi: I wannA I wannA I wannA I wannA

AK: 不要!(don't want!)

Mi: I wanna really really wanna piece of TWIZZLA!

AK: ............

Mi: ...........


Mi: I'm L33T! :D

Mi: *burns your picture*


Mi: I thought I'd take your pic with me for my exam so I can feel your motivation

Mi: but since you're so fat the picture is too big to fit in my bag

Mi: Sorry...

AK: we can't be friends anymore

Mi: we'll go to the restaurant after!

Mi: and I'll pour you into a kafei. ^^

AK: oh, ok that's better. 谢谢 (thanks)

(btw, I asked before posting this so don't think I'm blogging behind anyone's back. heh)

And once again... that's the most normal chat we have had... She's got a unique charm eh? And if your wondering, she passed her test with a very good score. XD


added more nifty Mimi quotes! Hopefully no one will take them the wrong way... much like me, she uses sarcasm to the max at times...

"really.... oh that is nic..whatwhat?! HolYfKINScandals!! Netizens Attack!! Netizens power to the extreme!! Blow that **** up into epic lies right now b*tches!!"

"hey gurls you ready?... STOP! To the ScandalCOPTER! Something 4 minute just happen!"

"Not much, just hangin with my netizens.... I thought they were crazy but I was wrong."

"they wouldn't stop following and asking! They scaring me so much! So I told them that's how you say airport in Chinese... and... I think they're on their way to a plastic factory"

"I went to that concert! I felt like I was so out of touch because everyone is boycotting ***** and I don't even know. I thought everyone turned around because they r just bored and looking for the way out"
"My gift was lame.. it was a netizen.. it just sits there writing "articles" about dbsk and snsd"

"I went there and showed the photo.. I asked if they remember and they said "no"... Then I pretended to start crying and I got a free kafei! I'm l33t, no one else ever gets for free!"

"Sayin I'm so immature for a girl at the age 22. So we did a netizen attack on their company! That'll show 'em..... not to mess with immature girls! WAH"

"If other people don't hate you, then you arent very successful yet now are you?"




Anonymous said...

Mimiiii!!!! Why can't she love me the same I love her??!! U_U

~BiaoBai~ said...

pffft maybe because she still doesn't date boys? And if she did you wouldn't be interested anymore because you only want what you can't have! Otherwise she probably would've made an exception for you since you look like a girl anyway... sorry. Hope that helps lil bro. ~_~