Well, last night I was looking for gif images. Specifically ones of the Brown Eyed Girls from the Sweet Girl Idol Show! They were so hilarious, if you didn't watch you totally missed out!.. But sadly there were no BEG images from the show to be found. Only a few of Narsha, and only because she was wrestling with SNSD's Jessica.. I was soooo depressed..
Is it too much to ask?! Why does someone always make them for every other girl group doing whichever cute little thing they do?! I need a small animated picture I can watch over and over too. I searched everywhere for hours, for days!.. Until I was sick of it and could take no more... I did the only thing I could do (besides suicide) and learned to make them myself!! It was a really frightening experience too ~_~
Just a mere few hours ago I had NO idea how to make one of these ".gif" images. There were a few occasions where I had tried to learn but I never found a tutorial that explained how to turn a video into frames, and put them back together into an animated image. Just useless tutorials explaining how to get frames from an already made gif. Nothing about how to construct it.
Where could I turn in this type of situation?!! The first places that came to mind were troll filled forums or blogs. I found a blog that explained it pretty well but by the time I got to the final step I realized I had to buy software. Ahhhh.. Like I wanna buy more damn software! I had heard that I could construct an animated image in photoshop's ImageReady.. Too bad I don't have that as CS3 doesn't include it apparently. And the information I found for CS3 sounded like the process would take forever. I had no choice but to do the unthinkable..
.... I got the program I needed with a patch, for free! :x Horrible I know, but what the hell!! I'm not gonna waste $50 on a bunch of programs bundled together when I just wanted the one part. The last thing I need is more excess crap on this pc making it slower than ever. Also, they had promised a free trial but it said I couldn't have one because it lasts 30 days and my trial had passed the 14,500 day mark!!! WTF!! I've never even heard of this program before today!!
Whatever, I got it where I can use it and made more than 20 glorious, glorious gif images from media I have been wanting to save in this format for more than 4 years.. Hooray... I bet they've loaded by now, since they're so huge and all I only included three from the idol show. Enjoy!
By the way, Narsha is sooooo Capricorn! Look at her walk! She's the only one that made a mockery of the runway walk thing they had going on (it was actually a contest for who has the best legs or something). Anyway I would absolutely do the same thing, and actually I have.. but no one ever finds it funny. Kinda like with Narsha in the show, notice that it's pretty much just the other BEG members LOLing and everyone else has one of those smiles on their face as though they're thinking "Omo, she's... weird.".... The only other non BEG member I saw laughing was Hara and oddly enough... she's a Capricorn too!! Dun dun DUNN! Conspiracy! :O
Let's start with JEA!

I love the twirly thing she did with her hand... she's too funny ^_^
Next is Narsha!

Her walk is so graceful right? Hahaha... Look @ Miryo in the back "hehehehe, hahahah, HAHAHAH!"
And lastly is Miryo!

I love her expression! Fierce!
(Gain wasn't at this event.. so sorry, no runway walk gif for her..)
Oh before I go, here's the infuriating first attempt at making a gif on Gif-Soup..

Compare the quality.. I still like GifSoup though, at least they're free and give almost instant results!
*gif credits go to me, me, me, and.. GifSoup!
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