Well it's been just over a year since we moved here. About 4 months ago my brother decided to move to the other side of Sac to be closer to the college which I didn't mind at all... however my mom did because they took her grandson with them and she wants to see him EVERYDAY! So after the past 4 months of listening to her complaining and being eMo I decided to give in and we're moving again.
Do you remember last year's "buy the first thing you see policy" that's been in our family since forever?! I didn't want that to happen, so I specifically said:
"this time lets not buy the first Apt. we see... k?" ^-^
and it was agreed upon! Of course, that's not what happened and we did get the first one. But I have a valid excuse this time!! Really!!
We already knew we wanted to move into the same building as my brother (obviously). And we decided we'd get an Apt. on the first floor this time so we could have the little patio, but the manager told us the only downstairs unit that'd be available soon was 1 br. and wouldn't be available for 1 month or longer because the current residents are being evicted... sounds horrible. She seemed to think we'd be better off upstairs in the 2 br. Apt. located directly above her own and OMM, I didn't realize it before but the upstairs units are so much bigger (designed that way to make up for lack of yard) and they are cheaper than the downstairs units too!
I know in most situations, you'd think "Ohh no!" about living above the person that can have you booted out of the complex but she's cool, and from what I've heard, has a similar schedule to my own (the Vampire schedule). I think my brother and sister-n-law are friends with the manager also, so that's good. I feel better about the moving situation now that I know the specific details about our new place! Oh, and I LOVE that with the lower rent I can start my new budget which allows for more traveling/shopping/fun stuff!
But I'll only know how I'll truly feel about it once I live there. The downside of moving is that my blog suffers a huge loss of updates during the process, sorry. I can't wait to start taking some photos in the new area! It's a beautiful neighborhood! It reminds me of my old neighborhood in Texas, it has treeeeees! :D (but then so does the area I live in now)
And for this post's photo, I present to you the reason we most move:

He's the cutest/prettiest member of our family hands down. I need to make sure my camera works when I go to see him tomorrow~ (cr: photo via his mommy) :b
Oh and April Fools! PUhahaha!
... No, no.. I really am moving but after hearing the lamest April fools jokes ever today, I've lost the will to even try. Pathetic I know... ;.;
& *random*
(While looking at the new apt.)
Me: *walks in bedroom*
Me: OMM, it's so huge! Check it out!
Mom: ... That's what she said!!! XD
Me: -_-... how dare you...
Apt manager: Hahaha
... I've created a monster! :O Hahaha
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