So you all probably have these types among your family and/or friends... You know, the people that spot you sitting there minding your own business and then *snap, snap, snap* they're taking your photo. Well it happens to me too. Yesterday while I was lusting over something called Frontier Pecan Cake in my mom's 1968 Imperial Sugar 125th Anniversary Cookbook:

Photos taken by my mom. The How Dare You face was just me being silly of course. Though it would have been nice if I would've been wearing something other than pajamas when she decided to ambush... But that matters not, what's important is that this cake I want to make contains 2 cups of butter, over a pound of brown sugar, and 4 cups of pecans when completed! Can you imagine?! I wonder if eating the entire thing would mean facing instant death as a consequence! D:
Afterwards, when I finished with the cookbook, I took some selca-type photos of myself to continue with my documenting how weight loss is affecting my face. Particularly the jawline: the thing that is mentioned to me the most. It's disturbing... that maybe I've been wrong thinking weight loss wouldn't make such a difference. Maybe I've been all wrong about someone I know that also has a disappearing jawline. But I'll never fully admit to that~

I was happy because I just ate some pumpkin pie... but I forgot to reapply my lipstick so it's a mess.

And these next few are from last month after Thanksgiving~ These photos look odd because of the wig, the puffy eyes (which I almost never have), and the overall awkwardness of my expression. I don't know what happened... must have been breaking the diet and eating salty, fattening, sugary things after being so strict for so long XD



I should write a book and call it the Jawline Chronicles or something. It's been a long road. Actually I thought it was only temporary after seeing the Halloween pics at first glance. I mean my jawline (and the rest of my face) seemed so alien and jagged. Then it hit me, it was the damned shimmer powder I put all over my face! It makes light reflect everything differently... but I guess for my costume it worked, the whole not looking entirely human thing. Next time I might be more conservative with applying it on certain areas.
Alright, honestly I didn't just show up to talk about bones and stuff. I felt I needed to cleanse this place of my old photos by posting new ones. Also, I feel that the last post was kind of a failure. Mainly because my inbox was littered with responses like "huh, well..." or "you starved yourself, didn't sleep for days, and made our lives miserable for 2 photos that sort of don't make sense?!"
Haha, I'm sorry but the fury burning inside me, the one driving me to make an offensive, ornately detailed storyline just kind of died with all the changes taking place over time. I should've got it all done in the first week. At least it's slightly more interesting than these self-cam photos right?! I'm looking forward to going back to school, I think the fact that I do nothing but work right now is really screwing over my creativity -.-
Well, I should be going, I have fattening treats I'm never suppose to have that I need to be eating!
Happy Holidays!
(cr: LupsandTnks)