I call it the misery post because we've all been sick the last few weeks and look miserable in all the photos. So that is what's going on here... Anyway, I tried to smear on some makeup and pull myself together for a couple new pics:



^this one sort of reminds me of a Sheri Moon Zombie photo I saw years ago!.. I mean the style of it~ obviously I don't look anywhere near as glamorous as she does ^^;;
Ok, so for a couple of days I avoided school and just stayed home taking care of my nephew, the first of us to come down with a cold:

T_T ..He was actually not that put off with being sickly, but he was furious that he didn't get to go to preschool. We got along pretty well since we can both watch cartoons with the same enthusiasm. During the time we spent together I discovered that we both enjoy Phineas & Ferb and Garfield ♥
A few days later he was back to his normal self:

I, however, started a new class at the height of my fever and had no choice but to go:

... no, I'm not trying to strike a ridiculous pose here, I was trying to get my sweaty hair off my sweaty neck. It was so hot that day and it was a mistake to try to get photos! I dunno what I was thinking! XD
and *random* I took some pictures of our yard and some are from early spring:




^ this is a recent one

^ with the bee in it!
Speaking of none impressive photos I've taken reminds me of some I took a while back and didn't post because of the same looking miserable issue. It was because of my good for nothing wisdom teeth on that occasion. I guess I'll put them up since I spent the time resizing them and all (resizing them for my blog when it was 500px max so they're super small compared to some of the new pics). Enjoy~ I tried to pull off a more subtle Elvira look with the eyes:


^ miseryx3

^ What's the point of living, I might as well...

^ etc...

^ Can you feel my pain? The pain of wisdom teeth?! LOL!

^ I'm a huge Elvira fan if you haven't figured that out yet by my twitter/FB updates! ^^
This was also the day I did my previous header:

And with that I'll leave you to enjoy your weekend! Have a great 4th to those that celebrate it... or if you don't have a great one anyhow! ♥♥♥
(I'll do my best to get some stunning midway/fireworks photos tomorrow!)
You are such a complainer; your photos are fabulous!
I got it from my complainer parents~ Thanks so much by the way! ^^
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