Yesterday didn't start out so well. I couldn't sleep the night before and then I woke up extremely early and my mom was like "I made plans to meet up with some friends this morning... and you're going too! Yay!" and I just wasn't in the mood at all...
Also, I went searching through everything I own to find an outfit and there was nothing that fit the dress code (we were meeting @ a pre-Easter picnic that had a dress code consisting of spring dresses for girls and ummm whatever else for the boys). So the best I came up with is an XL size white blouse, or it might have been one my dad's dress shirts~ I dunno, and then a vest to wear over it. This one to be exact:

I hate going to meet people when I don't have anything decent to wear but I went anyway. By the way, yesterday's outfit turned out like this:

The quarry/park place we went to was full of people, and I was there for less than 2 minutes when a group of fabulous gay men approached me...
Man: "O...M...G! You look fantastic!"
Man 2: "Squeeee! You look like you just walked off a runway! ^-^"
After which the group of them surrounded me and gave me tons of compliments! As you can imagine, that obviously made my day and I was no longer distraught over my outfit being unsatisfactory! Weee
Moving on, I met and visited with people, and met quite a few new faces. Then we disappeared into the depths of the quarry for photos. The scenery was too pretty to pass up~

The quarry/park place we went to was full of people, and I was there for less than 2 minutes when a group of fabulous gay men approached me...
Man: "O...M...G! You look fantastic!"
Man 2: "Squeeee! You look like you just walked off a runway! ^-^"
After which the group of them surrounded me and gave me tons of compliments! As you can imagine, that obviously made my day and I was no longer distraught over my outfit being unsatisfactory! Weee
Moving on, I met and visited with people, and met quite a few new faces. Then we disappeared into the depths of the quarry for photos. The scenery was too pretty to pass up~
So starts our journey!
Come Along!
And a fence for posing in front of!

Oh! And don't forget to check out the disgusting bright green water! Ehhh... But seriously, even that filthy water was kinda pretty! :x
~The end~

Oh! And don't forget to check out the disgusting bright green water! Ehhh... But seriously, even that filthy water was kinda pretty! :x
~The end~
Ok, I'm aware that last time I said I'd try not to post tons more pictures of myself but hey, what else was I gonna take pictures of?!
Haha, and about the gift I mentioned last time. It's a Damier Azur Speedy! Since I occasionally visit a few blogs of LV collectors and they post photos of their new bags, I was planning to do the same. However, then I decided I didn't wanna because it seemed all braggy and lame (although it's never bothered me when the other people do it). So I changed the plan to be photos of the bag and then my creepy dolls because then there'd be more to look at... And then I changed it to photos mainly of the dolls! (I couldn't help it, they're like my only friends! ;.; )
Haha, and about the gift I mentioned last time. It's a Damier Azur Speedy! Since I occasionally visit a few blogs of LV collectors and they post photos of their new bags, I was planning to do the same. However, then I decided I didn't wanna because it seemed all braggy and lame (although it's never bothered me when the other people do it). So I changed the plan to be photos of the bag and then my creepy dolls because then there'd be more to look at... And then I changed it to photos mainly of the dolls! (I couldn't help it, they're like my only friends! ;.; )
Dolls! + new bag

Checking out one of the labels from the test sheet (yeah that's my stupid face on it... scary, I know).



"Just gonna stick this right over here"

" and wonder why most these photos from the purse photoshoot don't have a purse in them... odd"

"time for some art"

"tada.. Original masterpiece"
(Btw, thought I'd mention that I adjusted the colors and luminosity in all the photos to compliment the dolls and therefor made the colors of the bag look a bit off. The canvas is actually a more cream color and the handles aren't as bright red looking either.)
Want to see photos of something other than myself or my dolls? Ha! I have not failed to deliver!

^ Some friends we went to see yesterday morning! LOL, They weren't very cooperative during the photo taking process and this is as normal of a picture as I could get (Yet it still reeks of sarcasm and hostility)! Everyone else in the group was too illusive to get photos of...

And there's my mom wearing my gigantic sunglasses. ^-^
And this is old (from X-mas). My cat, Sparkles:

And one last one of myself before I go~

I would've had more interesting stuff if I would've made it to my best friend's party but I had to babysit my nephew. I'm planning to see her this week so I'll bring along the camera! :D
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