I'm posting again in less that 24 hrs of the last one... but then again, it's my site (ha!). I thought I'd put up some pics from last week before I get too caught up in my schedule this week and forget to do it. Not that I think anyone is really dying to see them or anything, but since I went out of my way to take extra photos for the blog, I'll post them regardless. Some aren't pretty, brace yourself!
The first day

Last week, waiting around before doing my hair (that's why it's a mess). The photographer told me to look pleasant and he'd snap a photo for me (for the blog) while things were getting set up. Hahaha, ohhh do I look pleasant?!
The next day was the day it was decided we'd be doin' some outdoor photos. We went to scout locations and as a suggestion, I snapped a few shots in the sun as practice for the following day. I could only look into the camera for less than a second before shutting my eyes. Here's the result:

No working out so well. The location was chosen, and the time was set for 5:40 AM the following morning as the afternoon sun seemed too horrifically hot and irritating.
The next morning
Was not as horrible as I thought it'd be. By the way, I don't wanna hear any crap about how I wore the same outfit as I did a few months ago! The focus was headshots and I was just suppose to wear something comfortable.

There was still a little difficulty. For example, in the photo above, I couldn't keep my left eye completely open because a freaking sun beam was gleaming off it (even through the shield I had made with my hair!).

^ and facing away from the bright rays only brought out unflattering shadows. Ugh... but I still like this photo for some reason :b

I eventually got past it.

^This is my angry vampire caught in the sun photo.

the hat made things easier.

Do I look pleasant yet?...
Alright, that's about it. Unless, anyone is wondering why I haven't posted a new giant pic of my eye recently!

Yeah! In your face everybody that said my eye photos are creepy! Uhn! I hope it burns!
And random, I used my webcam to talk to our co-blogger friend the other day for the first time since moving here.

I was trying to wink at the camera, only to realize that I was a floating head. I've always positioned my desk in front of a window for the light and it's never been like that. Maybe I'm already dead and haven't realized it yet?! :O
Holy fuck, why so many spam comments eh? This is what happens when i'm gone so long? Spam attack to the extreme ah?!! My god~
anewai, some of these photos aren't bad.. some of them..
OmM my eye!!!! But no really, thanks! I can't believe how long it's taken but finally I'm making progress! *hugz* ^-^
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