Cutout outfits!!!
Narsha's rockin' it!

Jong's got one too! Oh my, the outfit! Don't be afraid to dress like this boys, it'll get you nothing but love from us (me)! ♥_♥
As I was mentioning in my previous post, cutout outfits are so WIN! I've never had a bad day when wearing one. They're like my good luck charm! I'm not sure how much of it is due to the outfit itself, or a result of the confidence boost it creates. I mean you put something like this on and you're immediately "Yeah, that's right! This outfit is hot and all ya'll know it. That's why you're staring at meh struttin' right now, bish!" Haha, actually I assume people are just staring because I look like a freak but still, I dun careh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh!
So this post is dedicated to everyone that loves enticing and slightly risque fashion! I'm so glad that I keep seeing this type of clothing in MVs and stuff now! I wish I had the Narsha outfit so bad, maybe I can get one like it made. While I can't compete with her or Jonghyun, here's a few photos of outfits I have worn (unfortunately some of the best ones I wore I don't have photos of). Some of 'em have been posted here before:

(excuse my fat! My apartment has the worst lighting ever and as my friend already pointed out, somehow it makes me look way, wayyyy fatter than usual. & Sorry I felt the need to explain that and totally wasted your time, haha).

I think the trick to making this type of style work out well is making sure your cutouts are strategically placed. If you have your chest spilling out the top and shorts that are cut way too high, you're gonna RUIN the look. I think it looks best when the exposed areas are your back, across midsection, and maybe a little thigh (this applies to both genders).
*ahem* When we were snapping photos my mom decided that she had the most awesome idea ever and wanted me to take a pic of how not to wear the outfit. So she got one of me with my top open. She's so creepy! Here's the hilarious part, since my chest is small it like... doesn't even look offensive! Keep that in mind girls, the smaller your chest the more you can get away with when it comes to risque fashion! But yeah, even so, you probably shouldn't just walk around with you top open like this:

Now, you may have noticed in the last post that I mentioned the powerfulness of the style right?! To be honest I don't have a decent explanation for this. It's like people will gravitate to me when I'm wearing it. Some unknown force pulls them in and while confusing it may be, at the same time I can understand it... and it scares me.
For example, most of you know how I am concerning dating, relationships, and anything of the sort. Not interested! Well what if one day, some interested guy approaches me in a stunning black cutout getup? Then what?!
"Want. to. walk. away. but. so. much. in. common. oh. mah. gah. look. at. that. shirt. must. touch. exposed. skin... now!" *caves*
Zombie or Vampire!? Which do I pull off the best?!

^ Me in my Volturi style~ I did this after my androgyny photos in case you're wondering why my eyebrows look extra thick.

^ I made this a few months back but didn't post because it was right after I swore off the vampire topics! lol


Just wondering. I think I make a better zombie. Even putting the Twilight description of what a vampire should look like aside, most stories I've encountered depict them as being unworldly beautiful. I don't think I can get away with that at all... honestly I don't think a lot of the actors that play them can either (sorry, I have extremely high standards for UNWORDLY beauty). I can get away with looking like a zombie so... yeah! :b
Good News
Remember last month when I was overcharge on a bill by hundreds of $$$? Well, I got reimbursed for the incident. So now I have the money I need to travel to my stupid audition! Squee! I was sooo devastated that I was gonna miss it. Jay was even more devastated by the situation (cause I refused to let him help out). I can hardly stand borrowing money from someone in a normal situation, but in this particular one where I might fail and the money would be totally wasted... ugh... Sorry, there's no way I can justify that. I think my real lesson here is that my new part time job sucks and brings in almost zero extra income. I need to find something else, but what? It's difficult to find things when you dislike being told what to do and have a problem with authority. Hmmm.. let me know if anyone has any ideas! Hehehe ^-^
By the way, due to my being socially starved living here in hell, I'm totally getting into this facebook crap. Feel free too add and say hello! Link: click
or just click the FB thingy to the right ova thar! :D
For example, most of you know how I am concerning dating, relationships, and anything of the sort. Not interested! Well what if one day, some interested guy approaches me in a stunning black cutout getup? Then what?!
"Want. to. walk. away. but. so. much. in. common. oh. mah. gah. look. at. that. shirt. must. touch. exposed. skin... now!" *caves*
Zombie or Vampire!? Which do I pull off the best?!

^ Me in my Volturi style~ I did this after my androgyny photos in case you're wondering why my eyebrows look extra thick.

^ I made this a few months back but didn't post because it was right after I swore off the vampire topics! lol


Just wondering. I think I make a better zombie. Even putting the Twilight description of what a vampire should look like aside, most stories I've encountered depict them as being unworldly beautiful. I don't think I can get away with that at all... honestly I don't think a lot of the actors that play them can either (sorry, I have extremely high standards for UNWORDLY beauty). I can get away with looking like a zombie so... yeah! :b
Good News
Remember last month when I was overcharge on a bill by hundreds of $$$? Well, I got reimbursed for the incident. So now I have the money I need to travel to my stupid audition! Squee! I was sooo devastated that I was gonna miss it. Jay was even more devastated by the situation (cause I refused to let him help out). I can hardly stand borrowing money from someone in a normal situation, but in this particular one where I might fail and the money would be totally wasted... ugh... Sorry, there's no way I can justify that. I think my real lesson here is that my new part time job sucks and brings in almost zero extra income. I need to find something else, but what? It's difficult to find things when you dislike being told what to do and have a problem with authority. Hmmm.. let me know if anyone has any ideas! Hehehe ^-^
By the way, due to my being socially starved living here in hell, I'm totally getting into this facebook crap. Feel free too add and say hello! Link: click
or just click the FB thingy to the right ova thar! :D
Too stupid one!!! Im certain there r ppl that would think ur suitable as vampire la!!!! They probably would not even question it!!!! I do think u look scarier as a zombie though.. just imho u know??! ~~~Do u think i will make a decent vampire?!?!~~~ XD
Btw nice outfits jj!!!! Make me one like jong's and i'll wear it OK?!!! 哈哈哈~
Oh hai, I didn't notice you there at first being all mixed in the spam like that Jay. Thanks for your input. To be honest, I expect you to admit that you're really a vampire any day now. BUT right now were all stuck on the idea of you being involved with the Illuminati!
Don't laugh, I'm going to make you one now! ^-^
Aww, thx!!!!
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