So I'm celebrating by posting selcas! In your face, photobucket! :D
I took these throughout the day (most snapped in my living room between running errands and such). They are inspired by hater messages on Twitter (which I've explained below). Enjoy!~~

Around Noon~




Later Evening~

^after combing out the hairspray. My mom made fun of me for looking like I had a hairstyle from the 70's -.-
Even Later~


Past Midnight~

Well, I put the first photo of this post on twitter a few days ago with the attached comment "I need to trim my bangs." Within about 30 minutes I received 3 messages from some angry creep along the lines of this:
Around Noon~




Later Evening~

^after combing out the hairspray. My mom made fun of me for looking like I had a hairstyle from the 70's -.-
Even Later~


Past Midnight~

"Omg, STFU! I hate your #%@$ face! Why do you even post pics! Go die"
"Seriously, I hate people like you!"
The thing is, as I read them, all I could hear going through my mind was "I don't car-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh" because seriously, his/her opinion is invalid based on the fact that they're a hater/loser/creep anyways. It makes me reflect back on my younger self and think "Wow, did I really get upset by this stuff back then. Embarrassing..."
All the same, it was kinda strange that someone like that just appears out of nowhere huh? Could it have something to do with that contest I entered? Even though I'm not much of a threat? 'Cause I didn't remove the twitter link from my Soompi profile like I did the blog... and I've been seeing some haters going after other contestants (better contestants that might actually win). It's gotta be random I think... although now I'm thinking I might not add the link to my blog again until after the contest just to be safe. Hehehe ^-^
So as a result of this transaction was the inspiration for the above selcas. Anyone with a problem concerning this should keep it to themselves because as you can see, my response to "stop posting photos" will be to post moar photos!~ You know, I think this occasion is worth a haterz gonna hate gif... a real one this time!

(cr: maker)
My mom was sitting across from me in the living room when the twitter stuff happened and when I read one of the messages to her she was all LOL forever.
Me: WTH is going on with you?!
Mom: ROFL!!!!1!!
Me: OmM...
Mom: It's hilarious because he's all furious. You post a photo of yourself first thing in the morning looking all refreshed and happy so this guy gets super pissed off hahahahaha!! XD
Me: pretty sure I didn't look happy or refreshed in that photo but whatever~ XD
I love that she found it that amusing though!
*Contest update: For the one or two of you that might've been considering voting for me. The first round for the girls is only going to be voted on by staff and admin due to the hundreds of applicants... So don't worry about it for now. To advance I have to have a better face than 54% of the other contestants and I doubt, with the entries I submitted, that'll happen. So far round one hasn't started yet, I hear it might commence later this week.
Wah~~ i can tell ur thinner just from ur neck and collarbone in the evening photo!!!! How much weight have you lost jj?!!! ^_^;
HDU!! LOL, I'm not sayin' the number! I'll just go with... errr.. more than 10 lbs... And I have 10 more to go and then we'll decide whether I need to lose 5-10 more if that's not enough. FML -.-
dieting is suck, seriously, Jay, it is, omg! XD
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