Received a call from reality today and it went a little something like this:
Jay: Alright, you know that you have to get those in the mail tomorrow because you only have a couple of days left!
Me: Nuh uh, I have like 2 weeks!
Jay: Dude! It's Sept 7th WTF are you talking about!?!
Me: lolwut? Like... like you think you're actually gonna trick me into believing 2 weeks have passed and I didn't realize it so I'll send this extra early huh?! Oh you! hehehe ^-^
Jay: Check the date, SPAZ...
Me: ... O_O ... oh... dear Minho... whyyyy!! D,:
Me: I thought it was the 27th of last month!
Jay: My god...
Jay: When's the last time you went to work?
Me: 2 days ago... I think
Jay: When was the last time you took a shower?
Me: ughh... yesterday... wait
Jay: When's the last time you updated your blog or FB?
Me: ... 2 days ago...
Jay: when was the last time we spoke?
Me: .... 2.... days... ago?
Jay: When was the last time the illuminati took over your mind?
Me: What? LOL, nevar :b
Jay: Liar! It was two weeks ago!! All of those things happened 2 WEEKS ago!
Me: *screams in horror* D:
Jay: go take a shower... gross!
Me: Nuh uh, I have like 2 weeks!
Jay: Dude! It's Sept 7th WTF are you talking about!?!
Me: lolwut? Like... like you think you're actually gonna trick me into believing 2 weeks have passed and I didn't realize it so I'll send this extra early huh?! Oh you! hehehe ^-^
Jay: Check the date, SPAZ...
Me: ... O_O ... oh... dear Minho... whyyyy!! D,:
Me: I thought it was the 27th of last month!
Jay: My god...
Jay: When's the last time you went to work?
Me: 2 days ago... I think
Jay: When was the last time you took a shower?
Me: ughh... yesterday... wait
Jay: When's the last time you updated your blog or FB?
Me: ... 2 days ago...
Jay: when was the last time we spoke?
Me: .... 2.... days... ago?
Jay: When was the last time the illuminati took over your mind?
Me: What? LOL, nevar :b
Jay: Liar! It was two weeks ago!! All of those things happened 2 WEEKS ago!
Me: *screams in horror* D:
Jay: go take a shower... gross!
Yeah... so, I guess I did such a great job being all obsessive and stalkertastic that I didn't notice wasting a couple weeks of my life. Oops... On the bright side I actually did get some work in and I did keep up with bathing! I just don't remember a lot of it... but the stuff I can remember was great, everything would've stayed great if I didn't get snapped out of it... I'll save that insanity for the project post though.
Now, for about the billionth time, I'm switching topics over to The Sims. Why?! Because people keep asking me about it! "Why do you still play that and nothing else, Why, god, whyyyyy?!!"
So here it is, the secret Ive never shared openly on the internet will be revealed right... about... now!
Feast your eyes!~

That's right! House plan magazines! I have tons of them, those in the photo above are only a mere few I grabbed off the shelf. Some of them date back to when I was only 7 or 8 yrs. old~ I started my hobby of home designing and decorating when I was about 5. It began with playing pretend open house (I was the real estate agent). I could keep myself amused for hours since the house was large and every room had a second door leading to another room or hallway (wee no backtracking, children hate backtracking)!
I then expanded my hobby to building elaborate Lego houses. After a while I got my first magazine, I enjoyed coloring in the floorplans depending on what type of flooring should be in a certain room~
Ex. A

Ex. B

I seriously looked at these things so often that most of them are totally worn out and falling apart...


^ This one met with the unfortunate demise of spilled hot chocolate.

I guess I got that one too. Haha, anyway you see what I mean, I was and still am all over anything involving houses and designing them. I still keep and display most of my dollhouses from way back when also. *dork*

Ex. B

I seriously looked at these things so often that most of them are totally worn out and falling apart...


^ This one met with the unfortunate demise of spilled hot chocolate.

I guess I got that one too. Haha, anyway you see what I mean, I was and still am all over anything involving houses and designing them. I still keep and display most of my dollhouses from way back when also. *dork*
That's why the Sims never, ever get boring to me. It's like something I can do to relax. I build houses and then test out the layout for efficiency, which I think was actually the reason the creator made the Sims in the beginning (Think it was on a quiz I took once). Whatever, now you know, and here's what I've been up to most recently when playing:

Latest room I've been working on ~The Red Room~. It is still a bit in need of decoration because she's saving for the other items that will go in it. I've probably already spent 40~50k simoleons furnishing and decorating! (I know I could just use the motherlode cheat but I feel like it ruins the fun for me so they have to earn it) ^-^

The little people above their heads holding hands (+) mean the sims are getting along (in case anyone was wonderin' that doesn't play)

Talking about travelin'

Talking about crystal balls and junk. If I ever get married... this is exactly what it would be like... so eerie

empty wall that I'm going to put a antique chest against with a flat screen tv. Not that a TV goes with the room's period style. Maybe I should just put a chess table?! D:
By the way, you may have noticed the blood stained curtains. I try to keep reminders throughout her house about the dangers she is capable of as a Vampire.


upstairs hall

Her old bedroom, she moved across the house after she made enough to renovate.
Now aside from the designing aspects, I do continue to enjoy the gameplay and developing stories as well. Hey does anyone recognize the guy in the above photos?!

Yep, the invisible newspaper stealing guy in the neighborhood. Him and his family are one of the few I pay close attention to. I don't remember if I already told this one so if I did, sorry but I'm tellin' it again.
These particular sims made me hate myself and caused an emotion uproar from within. Why? Because I killed them. I originally designed them to be (by my standards) outrageously beautiful and freakishly pale so I could murder them and have a stunning family of ghosts on that property. Then I would move new sims in and it'd be like an artsy horror movie. Additionally, I made them have the worst personality traits possible so they'd be rude and cruel with no redeeming qualities. Sounds ok right? They're just computer animations right? NO BIG DEAL RIGHT?!!
-_- Ya'll, no doubt, can guess what happened. I went halfway through with the mission and ended up in tears trying to save them! Their individual stories go as follows~
The Mother
While fast asleep during a winter night, her fireplace sparked up a nearby armchair and fire spread across the room trapping her in the corner where she slept. Eventually she woke and started to panic. Crying, pleading for someone to help... then after she gave up on help from others, she tried to escape and ended up bursting into flames! It seemed like she was burning forever! I finally awoke the son to go and save her because I couldn't take it any longer. He was frantic, trying to extinguish her and failing miserably. She died. He stayed in her room for the following two days crying and blaming himself.
I felt horrible but I thought I'd get over it because THEY'RE NOT REAL!
The Daughter
She was less fazed by her mother's departure. Maybe because she wasn't there to see it happen like her brother had. Soon after the incident, she found that all of the bathroom doors had disappeared while she was in the shower. She FREAKED out, thinking she was having a horrible dream... although she couldn't wake up. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the doors were back and she ran to find something to eat. (This next part is all due to her own bad luck) As she was cooking the stove caught fire, then the cabinets, the table, everything. She tried to reach the phone but couldn't get to it because she was surrounded! She covered her face with her hands and sobbed... she could have easily LEFT the room and survived just moments earlier... it was a grave error that she tried to stop the fire from spreading. Maybe she was worried that her brother would die if she abandoned him (he would have). As her mother did before her, she burned to death.
I got over it, I didn't feel as badly about her as I did for the mother because she didn't even seem all that devastated by her passing. Little did I know at this point that that was as upset as this sim is capable.
The Son
After refusing to leave his mother's room, he also became trapped by a mysterious disappearing door. He hardly noticed it being gone. I felt bad for him and eventually had the sister get him snacks to feed him (she hadn't died yet). The final day he was in this room, he was at the point of starving, and painfully pleading to the heavens for relief in any form. On the day his sister died, he was hysterically crying/begging more than ever before... but she was gone and the fire spread throughout the opposite side of the house. (In gameplay, while a fire is burning you can't go into buy/build mode and move things around like doors, food, or telephones).
I couldn't take seeing him like this, it was just too much, even for a little computer simulated game character. I had designed him to be cruel and heartless so this would be easy (or so I thought) but that wasn't the case at all. He might hate everyone else, but his mother was dear to him. I decided at this point, as soon as the fire dies I'd free him. It looked like it was dying out already due to the fact that the hall had practically no furniture.
I waited, and waited, and waited. The moment when the fire finally stopped, the reaper showed up before I could click on anything! The sim was curled up on the floor and no longer moving. He looked so weak and helpless. Why... why do I feel as if I've actually killed someone innocent. just a game... just a game.... *cries* Please don't let him die, please don't let him diiiie!
The Reaper took him as if it was nothing. A messaged popped up on the screen saying that everyone on the lot had passed away and I could move a new family in after exiting to the neighborhood. I held out hope that I could just avoid saving and be able to change this. It worked, they were fine. (yay)
My evil plans weren't lost completely however. I had them kill one of the game created characters after he insulted everyone in the household. During the process I stopped playing and when I came back the next day there was a glitch and the jerk was free. After several hours I came to realize that the glitch that set the doomed character free had placed him exactly where the son/brother was standing and somehow he had been trapped underneath the house while I assumed he was just at work. It was so difficult finding a way to get him out (it was before I knew about the moveobjects cheat). So as revenge, we put the game created sim under the house until he died and became a semi-hideous ghost. the end~
Photos of their house (I played these characters until they were extremely wealthy and HAPPY)


That creep doesn't live there... get off mah porch!

I find this extremely suitable for Vampires since it looks kinda like a castle from the hillside view.

That's the daughter/sister from the story (in the portrait and reading in the parlor)

Hall at top of stairs


Son's old bedroom

Ya know something sorta odd about the larger houses I make on the sims? Every time I complete them and then calculate the square footage, they all measure approximately the same size (within about 100 sqft of each other!)... and they're also approximately the same size as the house I grew up in! Guess it has definitely influenced what I consider to be the ideal size for a home. I'm pretty sure the acres of land have influenced my preferences also~ hence I can't stand neighbors that live within seeing distance. Oh and I found this...

I think this is a photo of the left corner of our old yard. Well, you can't actually see the yard because I was zooming on the trees at the border the clearing. The part that was close to the house was better kept than that of course. One thing I hated about Texas was tall grass during Summer = snakes hiding in tall grass during Summer. *shudders* I miss having a view.... of something other than a dirty sidewalk ಥ_ಥ
Oh and there's more (if you haven't died from the never ending pics yet)! Since I keep being told by people I know and people I don't and people I don't know that know people I know that my zombie photos from a few weeks back were awesome and fun, I decided to be zombiesque more often.
(Ps. If Jack Nicholson really did go to SMTown like all the news sites are saying then I'm gonna combust. I ♥ him sooooo, jealous to the maxxx)
credits for the red room custom content (I'll do the other rooms in the next post because I'm too lazy to find all the info right now~~)
Chandelier/candles - buggybooz @MTS2
Sofa, chair, end table - Adele
tv end table - Raonjena
tv - Numenor
mirror - Phoenix_phaerie
bloody curtains/wallpaper - Himawara106
carpet - Apollyon @MTS2
floor - Suza simply styling
walls - Gelydh TSR
ceiling - simlogical's Inge Jones
hope I didn't forget anyone or mix anything up.
*edit* one last pic

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