I've already got my Halloween costume picked out and purchased. Teeheeehee! ^.^ Which I'll reveal on Halloween (or the day after) of course!
Ya'll remember last year when I had the perfect costume picked out? I blew like hundreds of $$$ on the accessories, main outfit, and getting my hair cut and dyed for it and not to mention the amount of time I wasted trying to find everything. Then... several days before the big day I found out that the horrible store I ordered the main part of my outfit from didn't have it in stock, waited a month to tell me about it, and that the item was discontinued and would never be sold by them or anyone else ever again!
(God I hate them~ apparently if I wouldn't have harassed them for info on my order, they might have never told me about it and not refunded my money. I can't believe those jerks started sending me a catalog every month like I would attempt buying from them again. My mom doesn't bother to give them to me anymore since I was either tearing them to shreds and tossing it in the air like confetti or flinging it across the room and yelling "HOw Dare YOu!!" Wtf is wrong with them?!! Tell me!! double-U Tee eFF!!! AhHHHH!)
As you can see, I'm totally over what happened last year... For this Halloween, I was extremely lucky to find that my presumably doomed costume is still kind of relevant and I can still use it! You see, if recent events had gone a different direction, the costume would be so last year right now. So I vowed earlier this month that I would find the missing piece! No matter how many lives it ruins or how many innocents perish in the process, it would be MINE! Puhahaha.
Fortunately it didn't come to that because I just found what I needed today and ordered it. Super excited squeeeEee! I shouldn't be celebrating yet though, history could still repeat itself and I could be furiously enraged asking "where's my stuff?!" in a month's time. Lets hope that isn't the case. Anyway, yeah, the look I'm trying to pull off won't be as accurate with what I have to work with now but at least I found something cute enough to use in my daily fall wardrobe and not just for a one time costume. Which is kinda funny because the outfit I had last year was the more sensible, normal looking one. ^_^
-end rant
Have a good one! ♥~~
(btw, I read Intensity the other day and have not been able to stop thinking about coffee and cinnamon rolls since. Damn that book!)

(cr: maker)
I like donuts too... :3
high5 jj!!!
Hay good luck this week Ok~ hope it goes well 4 u 宝贝!!! Guess where I message u from right now?!?! 8DDD
*high 5*
Thanks, I hope so too but I usually have the WORST luck before these things lol...
Judging by the time you posted I'll say either at a coffee place or in makeup. Am I right, did I win?! :b
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