Rain! I love it when it rains!... but my hair doesn't. My hair was like damp on top and then all frizzy on the bottom... whyyyy?! And on one of the worst days ever~ I had agreed to participate in a video call with my lil brother today! Errrrgh! Nevertheless, with my new found gif making skills I was able to bring a sample of my personal ridiculousness for everyone to see here! They might take a while to load because I made a lot.. -_-;; I'll narrate as we go through them... (btw, yeah I know my cam washes out all the color.. I've tried to fix it but I think my cam just sucks).

(random creepiness)
... So let's get started!

^I like hats... this is what I wore during the entire vcall.
Haha j/k... not really! XD

^Me and my messed up "rainy day hair"...

WAH! (that's the start of the usual vcall weirdness)

^Then it gets even stranger as time passes by... bouncing around in the chair, throwing hand signals all over the place (making a box... lol... somehow my heart didn't work out and my hands formed the shape of a square instead ;.; ).

^ few minutes later... we were having a dance off! LOL

^finally it escalated to the point we got out of our chairs... I failed with this move, I should've thought beforehand to take off the oversized cardigan because it totally hid my awesome hip sway! T_T (also because cardigan sweaters just suck in general)
Within a few minutes we were tired, so we took a break from the dancing and I made a wardrobe change~

^I only included this one because it subtly shows my fangs (for the fools that wanted to see)... I'll never take a photo smiling so this is the best it's gonna get. Muhahaha!

^ My look of disinterest... "whatever"

^ "I said I don't care.... WANNA FIGHT???!"
As our call was coming to an end, it was getting dark.. and at the time I was trying to find something SS501 related to include since they have the new album coming out. What could I find?...

^SS501 light stick! What could be better?!

^ How about 4 light sticks!!!
Ok, that's all.. I have more but yeah, they'll just take more time loading lol... Hope everyone else had a bad hair day too! XD
My god, I thought u were joking!!!! :O
You will delete later yah? You r damn embarrassing.. Im embarrass for u!!!! 哈哈哈哈~
lol... shut it! or I'll post your half too! XD
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