Because I didn't fit! U_U *dies*

Ohhhh the discomfort of it all! I guess getting sick and laying around while recovering took it's toll. That and I also blame the stupid crap that happened earlier this month~ Misery and woeee~
So anyway, I didn't even get around to telling ya'll about why I'm doing a fitting in the first place. Remember all those times I ended a post saying I was gonna have awesomely exciting news and photos coming soon? Well, it turns out it's not that exciting anymore..
Soon I shall be doing my first ever actual photoshoot! Weeee, and that's not the only first! This is going to be the first time my photos will be used to sell a product!! Oh my god, I've been so excited, nervous, on edge lately... but now, I'm just depressed that I put a couple pounds on and can't squeeze into the tiny, child size outfits.
What makes the situation even funnier was that Jay was even more excited about this than me and now he's gonna be clinically depressed too. Poor him... after all the effort he put into preparing me to follow in his footsteps, I let us both down. As my trainer, it was his proudest moment when I got the opportunity to begin with.
While I, of course, told him to calm down! It's not like I actually have a chance of getting anywhere in this field to be honest. Once this business goes under due to my horrid photos I'll never get another modeling gig again! Not that I want one anyway, I just caved under the peer pressure... Everyone thinks I should try it... So I will, and then when I fail they'll shut up... maybe... -_-
Ok let's never speak of that again! I finally figured out a Halloween costume that seems perfect but it's turning out to be pretty difficult to put together. If it works out, I'll take pictures and post them... Or maybe, since I'm so traumatized from the fitting I'll never post pics again.. We'll see.. (kidding) :b
Oh and here's my response to feeback about me being a douche on cam, recording it, and making it into gifs~
I thought you've been practicing dance routines lately? What happened? lol
1. That wasn't a serious dance attempt. XD
You're like a 12 yr old.
2. Yeah, I know...
Make a yt video!
3. Sorry but I'll probably never make a yt video.. ever. I still have nightmares about the ones that are already posted from events I've been to. I look so stupid! Is it possible that when I'm not being stupid on purpose I look even stupider than ever. Hahahah awww T_T
U r @.@ ~~~~
4. Maybe I am insane, ha
Randomness: Ever since Friday I keep hearing that Wonder Girls song "So Hot" in my mind... except the lyrics are "I'm so so so fa-fat fat"
바보!! Its just temporary anyway.. and I am not furious lor!!! Change your twitter message right now douche!!! >.< 哈哈哈~
you can't censor meh! :b No one takes my comments seriously anyway foo..
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