After today's workout, I've realized exercising exposes how needy I can really be. It's strange to me because everyone I know (except my cousin who is freakishly similar to me) says they feel GREAT after exercising! Like "Woooohooo, high 5 everybody! I feel SO good! UHN!" great... While I occasionally react more like this:
*finishes workout, leaves, takes a shower, and walks into living room*
Me: Moooooooom... I... I wanna DIE! DIIIIEEE!! ;.;
*goes into bedroom, gets on PC, and e-mails BFF*
Me: Where are youuuuuuu! A huh huh huh huh! Whyyy?! D,:
*picks up cellphone and text messages lil bro*
Me: I can't stand it! Everything is miserable! And my inbox is full of spam! AGAIN! OMG! OMM! wahhhhhh...
and their responses are usually something like:
My mom: You're doing too much, you shouldn't workout for 2 hrs like that! -_-
BFF: I'm at home as usual. WTF? Why don't you come over and we'll make fun of Degrassi together?! (one of our favorite past times lol)
Lil bro: Aha... you just finished a workout huh?!! XD
But around now (it's been about an hour since exercising) I feel really lame and foolish. It's similar to that one episode of Sex and the City where Samantha is sick and has a random weak/needy moment. And much like Samantha, I normally have the "I don't take crap from anyone, ever!" attitude as of late. Where did that come from? The three people I mentioned above have influenced that upon me. Now if only I can find a way to make it last for the 20 mins of fury and desperation after the workout!
Aside from that, after the makeup tutorials, I've come to the conclusion that my photos will probably be unrecognizable when released. Haha... I was kinda worried about even mentioning the whole thing because I was thinking "What if these pics turn out horrible, and people will recognize me and point and laugh.." However, now I doubt that'll happen and if I don't point myself out to people, It's unlikely anyone will recognized me at all. Yay for super awesome makeup secrets! ^_^
Oh and if anyone doesn't understand why I'm worried that these professionally edited photos might turn out awful, here's an example with Son Ho Young:

I've seen him up close in real life and... he doesn't look like that at all! He looked more like this pic:

In the first photo, they made him look awful (they made Shinae look weird too)! Even professionals can greatly screw up photos. And that's the lesson for today~
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